
George Remus Becomes 1st Lawyer to Use “Transitory Insanity” Defense in William Ellis Murder Trial


George Remus Becomes 1st Lawyer to Use “Transitory Insanity” Defense in William Ellis Murder Trial

#George #Remus #1st #Lawyer #Transitory #Insanity #Defense #William #Ellis #Murder #Trial

In this short, we discuss what was possibly George Remus’ most famous case as a defense attorney in which he defended William Cheney Ellis in 1914. Ellis was charged with the brutal murder of his wife, and Remus piloted the never-before-used defense of “transitory insanity” which became the precursor to the more widely known “temporary insanity” defense in modern times. Cheney was eventually convicted of the murder, but was sentenced to just 15 years in prison.

Transcript: “This is George I’m talking about George Remus He got national attention for his role as defense attorney in the William Cheney Ellis murder trial Now Ellis was charged with killing his wife in a jealous rage Remus put up an unheard defense called “Transitory Insanity” That’s the precursor to what we now call “Temporary Insanity” He advanced the theory that Ellis had repeatedly stabbed his wife until she died while in a jealous rage and then went to sleep and then when he woke up he claimed that he didn’t remember committing the crime at all In short basically suffered a total blackout was completely oblivious to the crime The Ellis trial lasted about three weeks and Ellis was convicted of murder and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.”

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criminal lawyer , George Remus Becomes 1st Lawyer to Use “Transitory Insanity” Defense in William Ellis Murder Trial, George Remus,William Cheney Ellis,Murder Trial,Defense Attorney,Transitory Insanity,Temporary Insanity