
“Gang Enhancement” in CA criminal law (Legal Analysis)


“Gang Enhancement” in CA criminal law (Legal Analysis)

#Gang #Enhancement #criminal #law #Legal #Analysis

More info at 888-327-4652 Former cop & DA discuss the CA criminal street ‘gang enhancement’ from Penal Code 186.22

We’re a criminal defense law firm of former district attorneys and former cops. We now defend accused gang members throughout California. If you need our help, call us.

California law punishes gang members…and those who associate with gang members…much more harshly than people who have no gang ties.

Penal Code 186.22 PC is part of the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, more commonly referred to as California’s street gang enhancement law.

In its simplest terms, this law states that anyone who commits a felony for the benefit of a gang will receive a mandatory prison sentence in addition and consecutive to the penalty he/she receives for the underlying felony.

And…depending on the circumstances of the offense…this could mean an additional 5, 10, 15, or even 25-years-to-life in prison…even if you’re not a gang member and even if you aren’t the individual who is actively and directly responsible for committing the underlying felony.

But just because the prosecution charges you with a street gang sentencing enhancement doesn’t mean it will stick. In fact, our job is to make sure that it doesn’t.
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17 thoughts on ““Gang Enhancement” in CA criminal law (Legal Analysis)”

  1. This is so true. Enhansments links 3 people hanging out , as thier all linked as a gang. For example one of the three can have a record and all 3 get linked by standing next to each other.

  2. Gang Enhancement is no joke..I got locked up in California when I lived there..We had a little tagging crew it was all about tagging’ nothing gang related..However prosecutors didn’t see it that cause out of 3 of 2 of us had Tattoos that had our tagging crew..They labeled it a gang even though it wasn’t..I got 3 years my boy got 6 and the other got 13 years..Once your on a gang file in Riverside County you get the time for the crime..Then with the enhancement you get the crime and get more time for being a gang member while doing a crime

  3. So basically if the judge & prosecutor assume your in a gang to any degree your basically fucked if someone wants to make an example out of you

  4. He describes KKK, alt right groups and supremacist as anti-social behavior group, however, this law was designed only for non caucasians by the right wing ALEC.

  5. the cops over the gangs are in control of them and rewards and protect them, keeping them from getting sloppy they then pin things on the liability. it's all satanic

  6. He's being extremely vague about his definitions of gang membership and association. It's codified in the penal code, and not hard to find.

  7. there gang enhancement violates our amendment right because the only way to fight it is to go to trial. it is stupid to give a strike on the enhancement when the case proplably doesn't carry a strike it's just discrimination on society young kids that live in ghettos get labeled as gang members just for talking to there neighbors that might be gang members or the art on there tattoos. people can't take deals in court because it's a lot of time from what the case really carries and again to fight the gang enhancement u have to go to trial knowing that he might loose so they have no choice. they should have a gang enhancement trial before trialing the original case. there just violating our human rights

  8. there gang enhancement violates our amendment right because the only way to fight it is to go to trial. it is stupid to give a strike on the enhancement when the case proplably doesn't carry a strike it's just discrimination on society young kids that live in ghettos get labeled as gang members just for talking to there neighbors that might be gang members or the art on there tattoos. people can't take deals in court because it's a lot of time from what the case really carries and again to fight the gang enhancement u have to go to trial knowing that he might loose so they have no choice. they should have a gang enhancement trial before trialing the original case. there just violating our human rights

  9. "gang enhancement" refers to the police, increasing their powers by tricking citizens into giving up their rights. Can I say "freedom of speech" or is that illegal too?

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