
Fundamental Principles Of Criminal Law


Fundamental Principles Of Criminal Law

#Fundamental #Principles #Criminal #Law

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What are the fundamental principles of criminal law? In this video, we aim at explaining exactly what those are: i) a defendant is innocent until proven guilty; ii) the prosecution (the Crown Prosecution Service in most cases) bears the burden of proof (also known as the ‘golden thread running through criminal law’ and contrary to what Foster’s Crown Law 1762 stated); iii) the standard of proof in criminal prosecution is of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, with, of course, the help of case law such as Woolmington v DPP (1935). Moving on, we also consider the role a jury can and must play when deciding such cases as the one mentioned.

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criminal law , Fundamental Principles Of Criminal Law, llb,llm,criminal law,principles of criminal law,willful murder,murder case,sentencing,malice,house of lords,crown law,golden threat,prosecution,common law,jury,beyond reasonable doubt,insanity

8 thoughts on “Fundamental Principles Of Criminal Law”

  1. In the lecture it is mentioned that Criminal law is the branch of Public Law. but UK's guide of Criminal Law (Page no 7 of first chapter) assert that it is creature of Common Law… Please break the confusion!

  2. good explanation thankyou
    we need Law subjects videos please send me a link (1)Histry of courts
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