
Fulton County Judge THREATENS Brian Steel AGAIN! Trump Lawyer Ashleigh Merchant EXPOSES Corruption


#Fulton #County #Judge #THREATENS #Brian #Steel #Trump #Lawyer #Ashleigh #Merchant #EXPOSES #Corruption

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lawyers near me , Fulton County Judge THREATENS Brian Steel AGAIN! Trump Lawyer Ashleigh Merchant EXPOSES Corruption


40 thoughts on “Fulton County Judge THREATENS Brian Steel AGAIN! Trump Lawyer Ashleigh Merchant EXPOSES Corruption”

  1. Tea bag, call Johnny Cochran and OJ for some advice. Sir please put some bass in your voice when addressing the courts. You sound so whiny and unprofessional. Fulton is corrupt too, the judicial system is freaking broke and it started in 2008, you figure that out.

  2. What ever that was! She didn't understand a word he was saying!? Find that hard to Believe! Lieing is the key word! The only word i I can use for that statement!

  3. Yes the judge needs to be removed but how fine is Melanie? That’s what I’m talking about! 😂

  4. I think that dude is obviously mentally impaired and the D.A. has seriously crossed the line just knowing that, lord knows what they've been doing to that guy… smdh only to us (black folks) this schitt happens…😒

  5. If they railroad Trump, there is no chance for any of us. This Judge is corrupt, and all of Fulton County prosecutors are also corrupt.

  6. Dear Judge,
    You have done ALL you can to embarrass yourself through all your own actions and words. You're a loser who sat on the wrong stick today, must have been prickly to irritate all of the country, watching our American Justice system at work. You're the challenge….. Imo
    You demand the atmosphere of YOUR courtroom, proves your ill worth

  7. This judge is beyond reprehensible, shut your damn mouth about protecting one attorney over another. You do the same thing JUDGE, BY TALKING OVER WITH NOTHING YOU SHOULD NOT BOTHER YOURSELF ABOUT.
    RISE ABOVE YOURSELF, YOUR DIShonorable waste of so many people's time. ALL of it, just to feed into your POWER TRIP. Now we have to hear a rebuttal over your chit???

  8. This on the heels of the Trump NYC case is breathtaking, and they want to register people for the draft? No sane knowledgeable American is going to send their sons to a forever war slaughterhouse to fight for a country who tries its citizens falsely in a court of law , Young Thug is being framed for murder right in front of our incredulous eyes !

  9. this judge is a tyrant an sees to be making HIS own laws thats satify the Prosecution and i believe there was gun involved etc etc. but this judge is going around it

  10. Problem is people in power are not willing to go the extra step to remove these corrupt judges and DA’s. They won’t do it because of their own careers could be in jeopardy. These DA’s and judges know that the opposition is to concerned about their own careers to go the extra mile. This case may very well get overturned, but DA’s and judges will still be in their offices

  11. Supreme court will judge for the Lawyer not the lower court Prosecuter on the Bench in Robe

  12. This whole investigation in this whole hearing is over something that possibly happened in the past

  13. The judge had the audacity to tell the attorney that he needed to remember his professional responsibility search Google for the word hypocrite

  14. I wonder if this opens the door to review all the cases this judge has overseen. Yikes. Imagine the defense calls the judge as a witness, for the defense!

  15. This trial is finally bringing to light what's has been happening to poor blacks caught up being poor dealing with law enforcement and the criminal justice system. It's horrible how they using the judicial system against the poor.

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