
Fulton County Judge Goes Insane With Power | Sends Lawyers, Juror and Others to Jail.


#Fulton #County #Judge #Insane #Power #Sends #Lawyers #Juror #Jail

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lawyers near me , Fulton County Judge Goes Insane With Power | Sends Lawyers, Juror and Others to Jail.


46 thoughts on “Fulton County Judge Goes Insane With Power | Sends Lawyers, Juror and Others to Jail.”

  1. Need a lawyer?
    If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

    You can contact me at 1-571- NATE-LAW or visit our website

    Schedule a free consultation. Remember, you don’t pay unless they win your case!

  2. When the odds are probable that the defendant broke the law, but observing how the state of Georgia judicial system operates against the constitutionality of law really makes a person hope the prosecution fails and the judge as well. Need to start defunding the court system.

  3. Greetings, I don't know anything about the law but after hearing this case more than once, it is in my personal opinion after this lawyer that was held in contempt of court be released. This sitting judge needs to be held in contempt. He needs to be hell responsible for his actions towards his colleague, attorney and the time that was given to this lawyer. It needs to be doubled given to this judge to think about his judiciary actions against this lawyer that had every right to be in the meeting that was held behind his back with his client. Again, I don't know much about the law or maybe anything about the law, but I do know the difference between right and wrong right is on the lawyer side. Wrong is on the judges side and the judge needs to be held accountable where he can feel the sting of it financially and physically behind bars and after he served his time behind bars for this conflict of interest, then he may return back to the bench to do his swan duties to uphold the law. Not in partiality but in fairness tempering his judgment by the law with wisdom. Thanks Shalom

  4. Who the hell names their kid Tiquerius Mender? Thats the most ghetto name ive ever heard. No wonder he ended up in court.

  5. Judge and Fanny got something going on? Wouldnt throw the brother lawyer in jail only the whitey!

  6. Blacks make up the least amount of lawyers and have the lowest LSAT scores — but some how they make up many of the DA's, defense attorney's and judges. HMMM? ARe we being manipulated. Huh NATE.

  7. The defendants are probably all murderers and criminals, but the constitution guarantees people have rights to a fair trial and fair treatment. This court has no regard for constitutional law. This likely has gone on for years against poor defendants who could not hire competent attorneys. Now they have people who have resources to hire expert attorneys and these courts are being exposed.

  8. This whole thing is nuts. Both the judge and the prosecutor are more concerned about how their illegal actions were found out about and taking revenge rather than upholding the law.

  9. Judge has psychological issues, perhaps he's discovered his wife sees his true self behind their closed doors. Disgusted shame on that power-tripping judge.
    Good lawyers like Steel, would not be deterred from the inevitable. Righteousness does prevail.

  10. This judge is so corrupt and power mad it is an outrage. How can someone behave this way and not suffer any consequences.

  11. I don't think enough people are focusing on the fact that they are trying to get Kenneth Copeland to say Thug put him up to the drive by shooting in the car Thug rented. They gave the guy who did a drive by shooting immunity in exchange for passing the blame to someone else? Why wouldn't you want the guy doing the driveby shooting off the streets?

  12. I think all these "incidents" are intentionally being done to get a mistrail or worse. It's not normal, even for Georgia.

  13. This judge has got to be removed from the bench as he’s obviously a corrupt criminal Judge. Who removes Judges? They answer to someone right?

  14. Don't live in that county, you wont get a fair anything there. Stinks like garbage on a hot day and all of America smells it.

  15. When is the issue of this corrupt judge be resolved ? How much more insanity will go on in his court before he is put behind bars ?

  16. This is like a TV show where all the writers are drunk and loaded while they're writing each episode and nobody would ever believe real life could be as displayed in that week's show. I can't stop laughing.

  17. This judge produced by the Army Reserve. Stupid, ignorant, unqualified, and incompetent. He should be charged with a felony for biasing a witness

  18. So in essence either the DA gave him immunity and he changed his mind of their plan was this, give him immunity so he is forced to testify?

  19. Judge (paraphrase): The WHOLE POINT of having an illegal ex-parte communication with the witness was so that your client wouldn't hear about it, as he has the constitutional right to do! So I wanna know who told you!

    (This is a disgrace.)

  20. He will make an excellent divorce judge. Just because your wife is leaving you for me doesn’t mean she can’t get the house, alimony, car, and half your retirement.

  21. I'm really concerned over the second part where the judge held the one lawyer in contempt for not disclosing things he was legally not permitted to disclose and the other he just didn't when nothing had changed. That and of course the fact the judge seems fine just violating the rights of everyone in his courtroom including the defendant's rights.

    All the cases for this judge need to be reviewed now. Because this behavior is just suspect. There's no way it is just restricted to this single case.

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