
[FULL VIDEO] Police release bodycam footage of Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley traffi


[FULL VIDEO] Police release bodycam footage of Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley traffi

#FULL #VIDEO #Police #release #bodycam #footage #Monroe #County #District #Attorney #Sandra #Doorley #traffi

Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley drove home and called the Webster police chief when officers tried to pull her over for speeding Monday. Officer-worn body camera footage of the incident was released to the public Friday.


criminal lawyer , [FULL VIDEO] Police release bodycam footage of Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley traffi, video,news,local,rochester,ny,wroc,tv

36 thoughts on “[FULL VIDEO] Police release bodycam footage of Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley traffi”

  1. This DA is probably in the "just comply" crowd. Unless you are a privileged white woman. What a joke. If it was a minority they would have pitted the car and pulled her out with guns drawn.

  2. OHHH, she IS above the law because after NOT FOLLOWING any of the officer's commands he says he's only gonna write her a speed ticket. I hate to go here but, if she was a different race, i wonder how this really would've ended Because she's not above the law just because if he title or position. How many of you would agree? Cmon🤔

  3. Well this doesn't stop with her it begins with the judge trying the case, this will tell you a lot about the system. Cause everything starts at the top. Accountability starts with the judge and then rolls down hill. Your superior didn't even back you up, he placed the decision in your hands, your fellow officers failed to do what or say what was right, and as a result you fear to do what was right, as a result the whole system failed. You did your job halfway and how do you explain that to your children. Try to justify your wrong and make sound right.

  4. Who else thinks the arresting officer reported this anonymously to the news? Lol

    I bet he did. Some anonymous tip saying the D.A. was pulled over and flexed her nuts saying she'll dismiss her own ticket. So the News outlet immediately pulled a records request for the bodycam and now it's news lol.

  5. Please let this horrible excuse of a public servant have lost her job and her friends and family know who she really is.

  6. I hate when people “pull rank”. And rank does have its privileges. Anyone else would have been arrested.

  7. She basically admitted on camera that her office is corrupt and only prosecute at their own convenience. If I was a lawyer in that county I would challenge every prosecution

    And I think that officer is going to have to find a new job. It is obvious that his department doesn’t have his back and I am sure they will be consequences for him.

  8. If it wasn't on bodycam it probably wouldn't have even got this far, these people think traffic laws don't apply to them, they think they're above the law, she's entitled beyond belief

  9. Infuriating! I am a very senior white female in Texas. Any of us who had pulled that stunt would have been arrested. And especially if it had been a black person. That person, and likely me, too, would have been thrown to the ground, cuffed, and hauled off to jail in the back of a cruiser. She had a bad day? She didn't stop of pull over with lights and sirens behind her? She was on the phone? She instantly called the CoP? This entitled so-called DA needs to be dealt with Harshly. But the cops do, too. Why would they let her get by with merely a ticket ("fine, I'll take care of this" and yes, I'm sure she will). Not following commands. Leaning into her vehicle? Going into the house when told not to? She could have had a weapon in the car and blown that young cops head off. And the supervisor…I'm not going to "interfere" with your stop. Entitlement at it's finest. Disgusting.

  10. This is why people don't trust the police and the justice system. Anyone else would've been arrested. She got shown so much preference and deference that everyone involved in this should be disciplined.

  11. She might have avoided arrest and a ticket, but she can’t evade the court of public opinion. What a disgraceful person.

  12. Clearly it pays to be a blonde women in Monroe County anyone else would have be arrested or possibly even shot. Deplorable!!!

  13. "If you give me a traffic ticket, thats fine! I'm the one that prosecutes it!"


    OMFG I can't believe she said that! Hahahahah.

    So.. she's BASICALLY trying to insinuate that she'll abuse her authority as a D.A. to make the ticket go away 🤦‍♂️

    Wow.. regardless of the outcome of this video, if this woman doesn't lose her job after this then there is no god lol. In NY, D.A.'s are elected officials so she has to serve a term, I belive, unless she is removed from the job. Not sure how that process works, but even if no one removes her then she 100% shouldn't be re-elected..

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