
French Makes No Sense: Avocat


#French #Sense #Avocat

French makes no sense #shorts #french
lawyers near me , French Makes No Sense: Avocat


48 thoughts on “French Makes No Sense: Avocat”

  1. Me in Frech: "je veux un avocat"
    Me in English: "i want the avocado"
    The avocado on the law: "You can not eat me!!!"

  2. To you non french people it might make no sense, but if you phrase it right, people can easily understand it and know the difference.

  3. Yes I’m french and it’s literally the joke we make everytime when it’s about lawyers

  4. As a french myself, this joke has been made so much fuckin time i'm sad you guys has to discover it today

  5. No wonder, in my country we call lawyers "Advokat", it turns out we use the Italian loan word "Advocat".

    However, I found that in terms of etymology, Advocate comes from the Latin "Advokatus" from the word advice or legal advisor. It can be said to essentially have the meaning of a legal expert.

  6. It would be nice if you could illustrate how/why French makes no sense in a language that actually makes sense, or at least not in the most phonetically inconsistent (among other similar characteristics) language.
    No, I don't like French and even less their language.

  7. Advocate n Avocado….dumb use of PUN
    Write the script properly….its not lawyer…its Advocate… L' avocat

  8. Wow. Avocado in my local language is abokado
    While lawyer is abogado
    So it makes sense that an avocado can defend you in court

  9. My French teacher created a character named Avocat Avocat, or in English, Avocado Lawyer

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