
Free speech under threat: JK Rowling fights back against hate crime laws


Free speech under threat: JK Rowling fights back against hate crime laws

#Free #speech #threat #Rowling #fights #hate #crime #laws

The battle for free speech is heating up, with governments cracking down on what people can say.

In Scotland, new hate crime laws have sparked a fierce debate around free speech.

Famed author JK Rowling has spoken out against these laws, and even dared Scottish police to arrest her.

People across the world are concerned these types of laws will limit freedom of speech.

Sky News Digital Originals explores the threat to free speech, and how these laws could become more common around the world.
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29 thoughts on “Free speech under threat: JK Rowling fights back against hate crime laws”

  1. The white man is the most discriminated against under this law, the white men who built Scotland and continue to build Scotland are now the most oppressed, this won’t last forever people are realising the bullshit

  2. Nope!!! Hate to Jews is protected speech. Let people say it. Why are you afraid of people’s feelings?? Free speech is free speech. When you start to censor then you have censored speech.

  3. Here in New Zealand, the repulsive Jacinda Ardern wanted to introduce hate crime laws. When asked what hate was she said "you know it when you hear it". Wrong! It's very much a subjective thing, and the recent history shows hate crime laws are used as a way to suppress quite fair points against the woke agenda. Luckily Ardern ran away when she realised so may people were no longer taken in by her BS and now we have a more sensible government which has cancelled those laws. There is hope!

  4. Again, all of these MSM media talking heads ignore the arguably more sinister part of this hate crime law – religion. Is it cowardice? Not being able to criticise religion because of the threat of a wet blanket submitting an annonymous hate crime complaint is grotesque.

  5. It’s not just a fight for freedom of speech now – it’s a fight to have and hold a reasonable differing opinion , politely and reasonably explained and expressed .

  6. USA Supreme Court has already decided that there is no such prescience as a hate crime. A hate crime is a crime of the mind and we don’t read minds.

  7. I would say EVERY crime is a hate crime. If I steal your ice cream, I pretty much hate that you have the ice cream that I want!! I’ve never been trespassed by a “loving” person. Ummm. This is second grade knowledge.

  8. Keep fighting!! Our fight for our freedom to choose is a God given right. It’s our God given right to choose. It is a sin to subvert a person’s will to choose. Free will is ingrained in the human spirit.

  9. Hypocrisy when R W people complain that they can't speak hate to vulnerable groups of people, saying they can't have free speech. I HATE people who hate vulnerable groups of people, and that is me exercising my free speech. These people who hate vulnerable groups are not a recognised vulnerable group.

  10. there's basically only 2 biological sexes : male and female, though there is also a rare exception broadly called "intersex", which is their own separate category.

    the term "trans" should be exclusive to people born as intersex that underwent successful surgeries/therapies to transition from intersex to either male or female, whichever they are most compatible with.

    meanwhile the "LGBTQ" are genders, NOT sexes, and they are based on feelings rather than biology, so therefore should not be used as basis when it comes to discussions concerning the issues about the biological sexes (male and female).

    the problem is that most people keep conflating gender and sexes, without even realizing the distinction.

  11. Hate Speech is not Free Speech – never was, and never will be – because it comes at a cost to the victim – whether it be emotional, financial, psychological, physical, DEATH … , therefore it’s only fair that some of that cost is borne by the hate-speaker.

    This is what the law is for.

    Transgender people are currently going through the same shit we gay people went through – and sometimes still do.

    Racism, transphobia, homophobia, Islamaphobia, misogyny … are not innate – they’re a product of ignorance and intolerance.


    Break the chain.

  12. It is not just the comedy of these laws and complaints but the comedians in the Scottish Parliament who voted for this joke which makes it all so bizarre.

  13. What in the festering fu<k stain this world is fu<ken insane 😂 Seriously tho this is terrible 😑

  14. It’s not going to be much of fight for free speech😂 7.9 billion against 1000 powerful dragons. They’re starting to be seen for what they are. Dragons=greedy humans who burn other people for excessive gold. To waste and squander😂

  15. It sounds like China is trying to take over the world, because this happening in other countries!!!!

  16. There is a way to express your opinion without hatespeech you know. It's not that difficult. Rowling is a bigot.

  17. The people who complain so vehemently about race are the BIGGEST racists. Psychological TRUTH! All the radical loony left are REALLY doing is projecting their own hate and guilt on to the rest of us – a very, very large majority are neither rascist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Ain't that the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!

  18. Aren't they thinking of bringing in legislation to prosecute the 'potential' to cause offence? What next the 'Thought Police'?

  19. Men can not menstruate: Men can not have babies. There I've said it. If you're offended, go and get a life!

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