
Free energy of Tesla. Film (Dubbed into English).


Free energy of Tesla. Film (Dubbed into English).

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Genre: docudrama
Type: documentary
Year: 2011
Director: Misha Kostrov
Creative director: Eugene Sannikov
Producer: Victor Mirsky, Sergey Sozanovsky
Creative producer: Oksana Maidanskaya
Director of photography: Vladimir Kratinov
Scriptwriter: Nataliya Doilnitsyna
Аwards: Platinum Remi Award, WorldFest Houston 2013

The film tacks together two tales: a historical account of Tesla’s eventful life and his pioneering research into physics and bold experiments with electricity.
Suffering from a fatal malady as a child the future great physicist promised his parents that he would recover under the sole condition…if they allowed him to become an engineer. And he kept his promise. Never ending yearning for knowledge, research practice, creative endeavor, discoveries that have unfixed all established notions — that’s what was the characteristic of the great physicist. Nikola Tesla would always remain a scientist whose life was a sort of mystification rather than pure reality.

english , Free energy of Tesla. Film (Dubbed into English). , #Free #energy #Tesla #Film #Dubbed #English
, Nikola Tesla,Tesla,electricity,Power,Energy,physics

36 thoughts on “Free energy of Tesla. Film (Dubbed into English).”

  1. Still to this day his work is used in the advanced creations mostly by the army and the governments which surpressed his knowledge from the public so we couldn't figure out how it was done but they still have it because they created things like haarp with it etc and much more,
    Literally they don't need power plants, or even to use fossil fuels or the natural resources or solar panels to generate power they can do it without any of that but they still look for ways to make power using natural resources, solar wind, water etc when they don't need to. Just like we don't need to refine oil for fuel or when we could use free power or water but they do it anyway then charge us for electricity and fuel whilst taking all the resources out of the ground, now they want to use nuclear which still uses resources and is far more dangerous to the earth.

    Literally they could just generate power from local energy sources for nothing without harming the earth or peoples health with nuclear if it fails which doesn't make sense why they would do that when they don't have to and they could still charge us for electricity without risking the health of the planet or the people.

  2. Nikola tesla is a person with thinking of someting mysterious,unluminous and miriculous to be descovered electricity for the
    WOLE WORLD.❤❤🤔🤔

  3. Life changing movie I'll post another comment when the goals are achieved by me by 2025 this movie changed my life ❤️🩺👮‍♂️🏦

  4. just like a dumb person is not appreciated among many intelligent people, an intelligent person is not appreciated among dumb people

  5. Tesla's investors / financiers were greedy, selfish, capitalist accumulators like Youtube is. Finance Fetishism is at its peak in 21st century.😢

  6. Marconi 💭 Patient should not be withdrawn. But we much acknowledge the scientific glory of Nikola Tesla.

    A man who saw the future 🎉

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