
Former Trump Lawyer Is Telling Prosecutors EVERYTHING About Trump’s Criminal Activity


Former Trump Lawyer Is Telling Prosecutors EVERYTHING About Trump’s Criminal Activity

#Trump #Lawyer #Telling #Prosecutors #Trumps #Criminal #Activity

Former Trump lawyer Kenneth Chesebro is spilling his deepest secrets to prosecutors, and that could mean certain doom for Donald Trump. Chesebro has been recorded (as part of his cooperation) by Michigan prosecutors where he outlined the entire plan to certify fake electors from Michigan and Wisconsin, and even specifically said that this decision came from “high up,” which means Donald Trump. This is exactly what prosecutors have been waiting for, as Farron Cousins explains.

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*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Former Trump lawyer, Kenneth Chesbro is cooperating in multiple different state investigations into the fake elector scheme. In fact, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin are just three states in addition to Georgia. Uh, so four states, uh, that he is cooperating in. And according to newly obtained information from CNN, Chesbro is telling prosecutors everything, and I’m talking everything that they did to steal the 2020 election. According to a recent report, based on the video and audio recordings of Chesbro cooperating with prosecutors in Michigan, along with emails and other memos, Chesbro told the story of how on January 4th, two days before the Capitol riot, which of course was two days before, uh, Congress was voting to certify the electoral college results on January 6th. So two days before that, they had a bit of a hiccup. The fake elector slates from Michigan and Wisconsin were stuck in the mail. They weren’t gonna make it to Washington DC on time.

So Chesbro, according to what he told the prosecutors had to go rally the troops. And he said this was a high level decision, meaning it came from the top of the food chain, which as we all know is Donald Trump. So he’s meeting with these people in Wisconsin and Michigan, emailing with lawyers, emailing with lawmakers, uh, Republican senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin was involved in these conversations, even though Johnson’s already sworn, Hey, I was involved for a few seconds and didn’t even do it. Nah, chess bro kind of makes it seem like you did a lot more than you’re letting on. So anyway, they try to come up with a plan, like, how do we get these here? So chess bro suggests like, what if we charter a jet? Like, what if I just get you a jet? Y’all just fly these to Washington DC personally, deliver them to Mike Pence, bought a bing, bought a boom, Bob’s your uncle.

We got Trump four more years. Now, that’s the story in a nutshell. This is a very long story, and there’s lots of other little minute details about how they ended up actually using a system of couriers to get them to dc. But the bottom line is this, Chesbro was working under Donald Trump’s orders. He is directly connected to Donald Trump. Therefore, Donald Trump is directly connected to the criminal activity in these two states, Michigan and Wisconsin at least. Because this was a plan, this was a plan that was in motion. They were actively doing this, getting the fake electors to send to dc. They had the plan and they did it like they actually did do it. That means that all of Donald Trump’s claims that this is a free speech issue. I was just saying, let’s find the fraud. No, your plan

Was in motion. And I use this analogy a lot because I think it’s very aptt. It’s like if you’re sitting around with your friends and say, man, it’d solve all my financial problems if we just robbed a bank, right? Okay, well, you shouldn’t say things like that, but that’s not technically illegal. Just throwing out an idea. That’s freedom of speech. But if you and your friends actively start, you know, surveilling the bank, getting the blueprints, finding out where the safe is, and then you actually enter the bank with the intent to rob it, that’s when you’ve committed the crime. And that’s the stage we’re at Now, this is no longer as Trump claims just a bunch of people talking about, we gotta find the fraud. You had the plan in motion. You had the getaway drivers ready to peel out when you ran out with the bags of cash, or in this case with the fake elector slates.

You had this whole plan in motion and you executed it. So this is not a free speech issue as Donald Trump wants to claim as his lawyers have filed in court trying to argue that he should get the case dismissed because it was just freedom of speech.
criminal lawyer , Former Trump Lawyer Is Telling Prosecutors EVERYTHING About Trump’s Criminal Activity, Farron Cousins,News,Politics,Current Events,Republican,Democrat,farronbalanced,farron balanced,news today,farron news,farron today

41 thoughts on “Former Trump Lawyer Is Telling Prosecutors EVERYTHING About Trump’s Criminal Activity”

  1. It's even funnier as Louis De joy dismantling of the post office to effect mail in voting, caused a problem for the Republican criminals. Not thinking ahead is a definite and consistent problem.

  2. RON JOHNSON IS A TRAITOR , how come they haven't been handcuffed , jailed , and trialed , These basturds think they're ABOVE THE LAW

  3. Never forget though, Dumbold Rump's supporters will still claim it's a lie and that Dumbold did nothing wrong, and IF someone tries to jail him or succeeds in jailing him, his followers will likely take to the streets and commit acts of violence in his name. I think at that point, if that does happen, it will be time to put Rump in Gitmo or somewhere secure and secret where he can't cause trouble. Just a thought.

  4. This all just shows how utterly flawed the US justice system is. And you know what, they will probably change NOTHING about it after all this madness is finally over.

  5. Their thought process: "Let's make some fake shit!"
    "That's a GREAT idea, it will put us in charge AGAIN!"
    "What about getting caught? It IS fake, after all. SOMEONE will look.""
    "We're too smart for them…………."

  6. Questioning election results does not fall under free speech. When an election is decided, it is FINAL and shall not be questioned.

  7. Yeah it's awesome to hear these recordings because I can show them to friends and family members who are still on the orange stain wagon

  8. When is Wisconsin gonna start investigating Johnson and the fake elector plot?? I live here and haven’t heard anything about investigations. People in Wisconsin need to start pressuring our lawmakers to pursue justice here in Wisconsin

  9. Sadly, it depends on who sits on the jury whether he walks or not. The facts are overwhelmingly obvious that he tried to do this. However cultists reside everywhere and I'm sure there will be at least one on the jury who will try to persuade the others that this is all smoke and mirrors and a deep state plot 🤬🤦‍♀️

  10. None of it will matter because the supreme court will still allow Trump to run, Trump will win because the democrats are making the dumbest possible decision by running with Biden again, and Trump will just pardon himself.

  11. Ron Johnson needs to be investigated, and if wrongdoings are found. He should be put on trial. We can't let these politicians think that they can get away with this. It's traitorous, and should be handled as such

  12. Hopefully enough Americans can still think and know right from wrong. And the forces behind disinformation are clever, strong and have a lot of money to spend on it.

  13. 🗣 Smelly" ur caught up 👆 they gonna rip the lining out of ur orange @ $ $ in Fulton County. Virgil needs a back rub 👐 🧴

  14. It showed that the three states have people attached that are also involved and need to be investigated and charged for interfering with correct procedures and sent to prison as the coverups of crimes are ongoing in the three States,

  15. What do we do about the rest of the MAGAts? Congress still has ~120 MAGAts still in safely gerrymandered seats. And brainwashed followers by the thousands.

  16. The reason why Trump believes his own lie of the election being stolen, is because he tried stealing it and it didn't work. The irony….

  17. Trump got the news while on the golden changing table. Thank goodness they had a towel over his mess

  18. So when is Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada going to add more indictments to Trumps already 91? Or are these 3 states just gonna let a criminal go free?

  19. Cheeseburger deserves to spend the rest of his miserable life in prison with trump. No deal they got should have excluded prison time

  20. The fake electors alone should disqualify trump from running…he should be in jail till he rots for trying to make pence throw out the real electors..

  21. Backfired on Trump lol it’s just what you want. Words coming out no prof to hurt Trump , try again!!!

  22. It will be a good day when we see justice for the orange stinky minion. ⚖️👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️

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