
Former Talent Agent Breaks Down The Legal Battle Between Crowder And Former Employee #shorts


Former Talent Agent Breaks Down The Legal Battle Between Crowder And Former Employee #shorts

#Talent #Agent #Breaks #Legal #Battle #Crowder #Employee #shorts

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20 thoughts on “Former Talent Agent Breaks Down The Legal Battle Between Crowder And Former Employee #shorts”

  1. Had a friend of mine who got fired from 4 jobs in a month i asked did you ever think you were the problem.

  2. Crowder is a POS! Used to be a big fan, but after seeing him treat his pregnant wife like trash and him crapping on Landau, I stopped listening to him.

  3. How anybody in the conservative sphere can support Crowder after the video of him treating his wife like absolute dirt came out is beyond me.

  4. I want to see full episode. Anyone know which episode this clip is from? Having trouble finding it.

  5. C'mon Tim. This isn't news. Stop before your channel becomes a juvenile Jerry Springer or worse TyT

  6. Lie by omission. Crowder sent a cease and desist to enforce the non-solicitation clause after making the carve out in the negotiation, knowing that Jared wouldnt have the money to fight it legally. A fact which is known and was not disputed.

  7. I'm a Crowder fan and I have been for many years. Ive been subbed long before NGJ left and watch nearly every episode of LWC. Ive been a mugclub member for 4 years. I'm not going to change that, but there's also some questions that need to be answered.
    Tim's point in this video also says a lot about Crowder and how shit has seemed to follow Steven.
    Are we to believe NGJ, Steven's wife and her family, Dave Landau, Ben Shapiro, Candice Owens, Jeremy Boring, etc., all turned on Steven without good reason? Just seems like a lot of people around Steven have bad things to say about him after they leave or stop being friends with him.

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