
Former Border Patrol Agent Left SPEECHLESS


Former Border Patrol Agent Left SPEECHLESS

#Border #Patrol #Agent #Left #SPEECHLESS

criminal lawyer , Former Border Patrol Agent Left SPEECHLESS, glenn,beck,theblaze,blaze,glen,glennbeck,glenbeck,news,conservative,glenn beck radio,glenn beck,glenn beck podcast,conservative podcast,beck podcast,Glen Beck,BlazeTV,Blaze TV,GlennTV,Glenn TV

27 thoughts on “Former Border Patrol Agent Left SPEECHLESS”

  1. Baloney. It's always been known as it was happening and now their running away as far as they can. They knew what they were doing, and now having guilty consciences or just straight up scared. They know they messed up by following the perverted pedophile in the whitehouse.

  2. Just my opinion.. but it's to late to do anything about the tidal wave of illegal immigration. The left wants the American citizens who believe in our constitution to be illuminated.

  3. Congress Break down the budget Bill to address and deny continuance of appropriations to UN& NGOs bringing in the illegals

  4. We CANNOT SUSTAIN THIS! WE Will FALL COMPLETELY APART by the end of this year 2024!
    It’s ALL PLANNED!!!!!!!!!!!
    Biden The Evil Demonic Puppet who didn’t do anything in our Government office for over 45 years but Rape Us & our system will now have credit for destroying The last place on earth that had Freedom!!!!!
    Find Jesus because Our Country is going down!

  5. And that’s a good reason why chickenpox is coming back because we have people coming across the border who’ve never been vaccinated. Nobody’s vetted them for any health, issues hence some of these viruses that have been exterminated years ago, or gonna start coming back around again not to mention the fact that criminals are not being vetted at the border as well. It’s sad to have laws on the books that aren’t being enforced by our current administration in Washington DC.

  6. They are hell bent on destroying this country and the people who have lived here for generations inorder to get more democrat voters into this country so that they can stay in power !!!!

  7. It's never existed in any Country. Over the last 3 years America has witnessed the largest invasion throughout history

  8. Biden and the Democrats have put all Americans in DANGER bringing in over 10 million illegal aliens into our country. There actually trafficking people. Giving illegals free everything all on the backs of American taxpayers. This is insanity. And criminal. That's why there polls have dropped by 20 . It will get worse. They hate Americans it's obvious.

  9. They are doing this to collapse our economy and system! They want to reset our system and enslave the people with a digital currency! Wake the hell up America!

  10. Tyson food is about to lay off thousands of Americans and shut down plants to hire 50+ thousand illegal aliens! We must boycott these companies and break them!

  11. Americans want better lives and better future as future as well. God bless America n 45th Trump. Trump 2024.

  12. 2019: 1.4 million homes built, illegally 0.8 million
    2020: 1.4 million homes built, illegally 0.4 million
    2021: 1.4 million homes built, illegally 1.6 million
    2022: 1.4 million homes built, illegally 2.2 million
    2023: 1.4 million homes built, illegally 3.3 million

    Conclusion: Biden created the housing crisis, the homeless crisis, and inflation crisis.

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