
Florida Surgeon Forgot Laws Exist…


Florida Surgeon Forgot Laws Exist…

#Florida #Surgeon #Forgot #Laws #Exist

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This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

#surgeon #arrested #Bodycam #shorts
criminal law , Florida Surgeon Forgot Laws Exist…, video,sharing,camera phone,video phone,free,upload,Shorts,Police,Body cam,Duty,Officer,Cop,Criminal,saves,Florida,Surgeon

18 thoughts on “Florida Surgeon Forgot Laws Exist…”

  1. It should be illegal making Drs. work for long hours in their residency..Up for multiple hours living in the hospital! Do you know how many hours your Dr.or surgeon was up when you arrive in the ER?

  2. How are people defending a drugged up doctor? Would you want to get a surgery knowing the practicioner is high on meth?

  3. He's a junkie ..just because he had a job like that doesn't mean he can do why he wants. How many lives did he put at risk?

  4. Please go to border this is dumb and supwr minor its meth he will just get more ho cares honeatly so muh more that ypu could be doing

  5. You try performing the same difficult task for 8 hours. And not start to wonder if meth would make it easier lol

  6. Jesus loves everyone, and everyone deserves his love and grace. Put him first, and you will see. I can only vouch for myself. Jesus will put you through trial and error because we have to know we make mistakes, but Jesus is the one who gives us a real second chance at life.

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