
Florida DUI Lawyer Exposes False Arrest At Hard Rock Casino


Florida DUI Lawyer Exposes False Arrest At Hard Rock Casino

#Florida #DUI #Lawyer #Exposes #False #Arrest #Hard #Rock #Casino

#floridaduilawyer #falsearrest #policebodycamera

Florida DUI lawyer exposes shocking body cam footage of Florida Police and a false arrest at the Hard Rock Casino in Fort Lauderdale, Florida!

In this video, criminal defense lawyer, Adam Rossen dives deep into the body cam footage breaks down the legal aspects of this controversial incident.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a legal issue, similar to our client, Reach out to us. Our dedicated team is prepared to guide you through the legal process, ensuring the best possible outcome. Your rights and future are our priority, and we’re here to provide unwavering support during this crucial time.

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criminal lawyer , Florida DUI Lawyer Exposes False Arrest At Hard Rock Casino, Florida DUI Attorney,DUI lawyer,criminal lawyer,DUI defense attorney,criminal defense attorney,south florida,fort lauderdale,fort lauderdale DUI,Fort Lauderdale crime,hard rock casino,falsely arrested,falsely arrested for dui,police brutality,south florida lawyers,police body cam arrest,dui arrest,florida false arrest,criminal lawyer reacts,dui lawyers,body cam arrest,body cam,florida police,lawyer reaction,bwc,police body camera,false arrest

32 thoughts on “Florida DUI Lawyer Exposes False Arrest At Hard Rock Casino”

  1. To all the people who think most cops are "good", why do those "good" cops never do anything about the bad ones? In fact, they even protect and defend the bad cops…..doesn't that make them just as bad? To do absolutely nothing about the criminality and literal betrayal of their oath to the constitution right in front of them is abhorrent. The truth is, that if most cops were truly good, there wouldn't be very many bad cops, or even any, because they'd force them out, but that is not what happens….the bad ones are protected and at best they're just fired where they promptly go down the road to the next town and get hired because the supposed "good cops" at the next town never seen to take the half hour necessary to make a few phone calls and inquire about their previous employment and that's because they have a gang mentality and culture that puts loyalty to each other above EVERYTHING including the oath they took to the constitution.

    Fun Facts:
    -America spends more on police than France and Germany spend on their entire militaries combined

    -Being a police officer is only the 22nd most dangerous job in America, behind truck driver, construction worker, logger, and even pizza delivery drivers(all of which average far less pay)

    -Police Officers commit more domestic violence than any other profession in America

    -Between 2013 and 2019, exactly 7,666 police officers took a life while on duty, only 50 ever had charges of any kind brought against them (none were first degree murder) and only 25 were ever convicted of any charge.

    -Police Officers commit approximately 10x the violence against the public than the public commits against police officers.

  2. Police need to be trained that their mistakes always have a cost (money, time, freedom, justice, livelihood, etc) to innocent people.

  3. Where are all the "good cops" to stop the "few bad apples".. instead of being bad apples themselves and aiding and abetting and perjuring and conspiring and enabling..?

  4. Obstruction requires an intent to keep a cop from doing his job by obstructing their investigation. If they are investigating CRIME. Just plain investigating (let's investigate what the Soup du Jour at the greasy spoon OR if it was Bobby or Marty lifting grammas cookie jar lid. She said her 4 O'clock count was 3 cookies short.
    We investigate whether there's one more clean underwear in the drawer, whether there's enough milk for this bowl of cereal (put water on it, Craig!) Momma's always right.

  5. Wawawa she wont follow my UNLAWFUL comand so now i have to get all hurt and get her for obstruction ….FU ill see you in court

  6. This exact same thing happened to a friend of mine at the Quarter Deck in Ft. Lauderdale. Bent cops are all over Floriduh. They will ruin your life.

  7. You forgot to mention who that officer is and put his pic on screen, he needs to be remembered forever as the terrible cop that he is.

  8. Obstruction charges should not be allowed. They use it all the time with anyone they feel isn’t obeying

  9. I would love to see the deposition of the officer. The mental gymnastics needed for this cop to justify his actions is insane

  10. Let's start calling false arrest what it really is, aggravated assault and battery, false imprisonment, torture, aggravated kidnapping, fabricating charges, treason of the 4th and 5th amendments and deprivation of rights under the color of law, as well as normally, conspiracy to deprive rights under the color of law.
    She should bill the aggravated kidnapping felons for every minute they armed robbed her of and make the bill a doozy…..

  11. i hired a lawyer once to represent me on a case where i was on video and i was NOT the suspect. 1st it shouldnt of went that far video and 1 witness said i wasnt the person. but in court all charges were dropped and i was happy except for the lawyers bill. he pretty much didnt do nothing but file some paper work and show the video. what i was charged was just over $10,000.00 and i didnt feel that was fair at all but i shut up cause if the cops could of pushed this threw i was looking at 2 years in jail. WHEN they finally caught the RIGHT guy 2 days after my trial he got 2 and a half years in jail!

  12. The officer should be made to pay her legal fees. That's the only way it's going to stop is get in their pocket book

  13. Its not just down south, cops everywhere are policing with feelings. If something threatens to crack their fragile egos, they throw temper tantrums and make retaliatory arrests.

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