
FILING PUBLIC RECORDS #publicphotography


FILING PUBLIC RECORDS #publicphotography

#FILING #PUBLIC #RECORDS #publicphotography

FILING PUBLIC RECORDS #publicphotography

FULL VIDEO @Iloveauditors
criminal lawyer , FILING PUBLIC RECORDS #publicphotography, freedom of information act,freedom of information,freedom of press,freedom of speech,freedom to record,freedom to record in public,public information act,public Photography,public Servant,public information,public office officials,public officials,1st amendment audit,1st amendment Audits,1st amendment AUDITOR,1st amendment

7 thoughts on “FILING PUBLIC RECORDS #publicphotography”

  1. Sargeant: What do you need them for?
    Citizen: Because I am exposing government corruption and incompetence.

  2. Im white, and my black friend came over all the time. We’d have bbgun fights, roman candle fights, shoot roman candles at cars, start small forest fires, poor gun powder across the road and light it when cars drove by at night,and fight French kids with slingshots and other small weapons. Being kids!! I miss the 80s.

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