
Federal Judge CRUSHES Trump in Brutal Decision


Federal Judge CRUSHES Trump in Brutal Decision

#Federal #Judge #CRUSHES #Trump #Brutal #Decision

Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok on the Legal AF podcast debate and discuss: Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan’s take down of Trump’s “reprehensible conduct” that supports every bit of E Jean Carroll’s $83.5 million jury award in denying Trump’s motion for new trial and lower damages.

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criminal law , Federal Judge CRUSHES Trump in Brutal Decision, meidastouch,meidas touch,politics,political videos,political advertising,breaking news,ben meiselas,midas touch,midastouch,donald trump,trump,joe biden,biden,president,elections,republicans,democrats,democratic party,republican party,trump indictments,legal news,michael popok,gop,current events,department of justice,justice department,political news,msnbc,cnn,cable news,independent media,united states,us news

20 thoughts on “Federal Judge CRUSHES Trump in Brutal Decision”

  1. That is straight-up projection! That guy is literally saying wat the right has planned if orange 🍊 man dont win.

  2. You might be right causetrump jealous of the judges distinguish looks for his age look good trump wish he could

  3. Can you help me understand- how did trump get away with such ridiculous behaviour in the cases before Judge Kaplan to Judge Kaplan? Isn't there or aren't there rules in place that would throw his a$$ in jail or other penalties? It's disgusting what this buffoon faced bully gets away with. So surprising that noone has taken a contract out on him yet. Unbelievable

  4. Does this mean E Jean gets both awards, the 1st $5 million and 2nd $whole bunch of millions?

  5. Given his pathology, how would trump deal with someone who reminds him of his father?

  6. If all the subscribers supported your channel financially, in theory, will you ever give an accounting of the monthly monies coming into your organization? Will you tell us how you are spending these dollars, or will you just claim that it is a private company, and no explanation will be forth coming? Which way are you guys going to go as far as explaining the money people send you? Currently, if all 2,340.000 subscribers, in theory, gave $5.00 each per month very few individuals would rake in the majority of $140,400,000.00 per year. As some of the creators of Meidas Touch state it best in their closing statements; “We are 100% accountable to you!”

    Some Meidas Touch commentators use to end their commentaries with something like, “we are responsible to the people!" Why have these commentators and other Meidas Touch people stopped using that quote at the end of their commentaries? Nothing personal just asking!

    By the way, I really enjoy the analysis of your daily subject matters and your personal comments on the characters you cover in your commentaries. Lately, I think you are stretching your commentaries excessively-long in order to hold a captive audience for a longer period of time. I find that you are able to effectively and efficiently relay your stories in 10 to 12 minutes. This is just an opinion please don’t take it personal.

    Thank you!

  7. DJT thinks that if he says something nice to a judge, he/she will work in his favor, whether the recipient is a man or a woman. Stupidity at it's best.

  8. Lizard brain .😂😂😂😂 Waiting to see him catching flies with his tounge .😂😂😂😂😂😂

  9. Nixon (GOP): A president who became a crook.

    Trump (GOP): A crook who became president.

  10. I appreciate what Judge Kaplan had to say, and I agree about Trump's behavior being reprehensible! Thank you, Judge Kaplan, for speaking truth.

  11. Trump is the third Republican President who committed Treason. Way to go, Russian Don!!!

  12. So now, DT promises another insurrection if he loses the next election. Sigh.

  13. Not okay, etc, is still not reprehensible enough. I agree the award made sense. Thank you Judge Kaplan.

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