
Favors between prosecutors and defense attorneys whats the truth?


Favors between prosecutors and defense attorneys whats the truth?

#Favors #prosecutors #defense #attorneys #whats #truth

One of our subscribers asked me to discuss the relationship between criminal defense attorneys and prosecution and what favors are done. I decided to discuss the issue. This is off the cuff while I am driving to the law office. No scripts. It’s important so when a bottom feeder defense attorney, the car salesman without ethics, claims to have juice ( a friendship ) with the prosecutor you know the deal. How often have you heard an attorney claim to be friends with prosecutor or judge? Unfortunately, too often. I was once in a courtroom and the judge asked did anyone promise you anything other than what is in the plea paperwork and the client/defendant said yes! My attorney said his father is the chief judge and that you will hook it up or hook me up. It was a marvelous moment that a shit attorney got called out on record and a sad moment for the profession because there are no promises or guarantees. There are a lot of great attorneys with ethics and there are non-ethical do$%&bags that give the profession a bad name. I hope the video sheds some truth on the real relationship between the parties. Thank you for watching and please subscribe and share.

I wonder how many prosecutors will watch this video?
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50 thoughts on “Favors between prosecutors and defense attorneys whats the truth?”

  1. Same thing is happening to me in Monroe Township New Jersey…I got a DUI in February…5 months into the proceedings I was offered a plea agreement of reckless driving and a dismissal of the DUI and I refused. A week later I get a ticket in the mail from Monroe and it's a reckless driving added to my charges…So the plea becomes a new charge…No way that is happening unless my lawyer is in on it, the prosecutor Jennifer Burgess, who has since recused herself, instructs the cop, Officer David Pena, to do it, and the Police Chief Michael Biennas, signing off on it!!!…Long story short is the DUI and the RECKLESS DRIVING have since been dismissed and now I want to know if I have legal recourse because I feel aggrieved. ..Anyone know a lawyer to help me?

  2. You sound like a nice person, so no jabs or disrespect was intended. By plea I was referring to negotiating a plea agreement for your clients, thanks

  3. I have question… What happens if 1 jurisdiction(city & county)💬 uses an invalid warrant from another jurisdiction to arrest a defendant also adding more charges to secure a conviction? After it's brought to light by outside assistance isn't the jurisdiction that it supposedly came from obligated to rectify it by any legal recourse on the l jurisdiction that used the falsified warrant?How can this be considered legal just to save embarrassment for both jurisdiction when a person's life is at risk of imprisonment?

  4. As stated b4 judges have too much discretion over peoples lives, one person shouldn't have that kind of power, influence without having supervision, but that doesn't exist because people want to control other people's lives the way they c fit, that why man will destroy himself.

  5. Do you have any leads on the direction of how the wrongfully accused, can site motions, and rules, for summary judgments properly filling out motions of affirmative defense in simple assault and batteries? Is there any place I can go to so I can file motions?

  6. If only our Attorney actually stood up for my nephew like you stood up for this guy he probably would not be in prison right now. The attorney little did we know until after the whole thing was said and done had buddied up with the DA and everyone in the courthouse and had taken a job from the county court system as a court appointed attorney. I knew something changed about him from March to June. I read back over all his emails and the statements from the police officers and yes he changed. He went along with everything the DA wanted which was to put my nephew in Prison. My nephew has some mental issues stemming from his physical and mental abuse growing up with his father beating him relentlessly. He saw a psychiatrist when he was around 14 who said yes he is bipolar had OCD and Paranoia. A psychiatrist came into the jail to see him and suggested that he go to a residential mental health facility which in the very beginning right after taking our money Attorney was all for it. Yes it won’t be a problem. We can get him some mental help. The psychiatrist even sent us the letter of recommendation and the application and also the contact person’s name in the facility. So around June the Attorney is saying they offered him a plea deal at first 15 years serve 4. The attorney is holding back I suppose. I asked him 3 different times what about psychiatrist in an email and the last time I mentioned it he responded with who the heck is that? I don’t even know who your talking about. He signed off on the paperwork where she had turned the report back over to the DA but he had no idea who she was. He didn’t know what I was talking about. Needless to say he got 15 years serve 3. He was charged with elderly abuse which was all fabricated by the police officers and the DA. My mother told them he never touched her. He really didn’t. Yes they were arguing but that’s it. From the day he was born I have never known of him to even try to hit anyone. It was the opposite. Everyone would beat up on him. My mother said she sort of laughed when he said something crazy to her. She was not afraid of him in the least. But the police officers insisted. So did the DA after my mother had some very choice words to say to him. It was retaliation and our attorney who now was playing footsie with the attorney’s in that town. So sad for my nephew. He is 29 years old but has the mentality of a 16 year old. You never really know someone until you get in there with them and work or try to work with them and the real them will come shining through. Thank you for telling that story. You seem like such a great Attorney. The way Attorneys should be. For that I thank you

  7. Well i read elsewhere that public defenders first priority is to the state/court and their clients are secondary. You are a private attorney so maybe that wouldn't apply in your case.

  8. There is corruption on everything The judges and lawyers they know each other but we still have morals and we still have to do the right thing we had to separate The good and the bad people so we can have a better life

  9. Hey buddy if your such a good guy why don't you tell your clients they have the most powerful status in this PRIVATE business known as a defacto pseudo quasi judicial administrative court? Why don't you tell your clients that the court is a FICTION of law?

  10. and when a corrupt DA knowingly prosecutes you falsely and an equally corrupt judge convicts you regardless, then you sit in jail till you can win on an appeal

  11. WHO, in their right mind, would plead to ANYTHING when you KNOW you did NOTHING CRIMINAL ? Your ONLY crime is contempt of cop ?

  12. what do you do when the judge, sheriff's office and DA are all sleaze bags totally lacking moral compasses and hell bent on teaching you a lesson for committing the Ultimate Crime of contempt of cop ?

  13. Yes I do. I think you make deals with one person to make a better deal for another person just saying. But what I’m talking about would be better with a public defender or public pretender

  14. Maybe in the city but in the country they all play golf together go to church together and bbq together
    Back room deals ARE A THING

  15. I have a very crooked dirty case with the corrupt child trafficking system of cps and family courts and I would have given anything to have you or someone an eighth as good as you!!

  16. There is no justice in the justice system period these DAs judges and lawyers fail to realize they are prosecuting human beings its sickening

  17. I’m terrified for my son. No previous criminal history. No drug use. Rarely drinks alcohol. He co sleeps with 2 yo son. Put the baby to sleep at 7:30pm, removed chain from door so sons mom could get in the house later and he fell asleep next to his son. His son woke up without him realizing it (he was asleep) and he wandered outside. Was thankfully found by a neighbor. Officers came in his house and woke him up and advised his son was outside! They are charging him with felony child abuse! I’m about to go broke paying for an attorney for my son. I won’t let him take a plea. There was no crime committed. It was an accident. I’m a 911 operator and you’d be shocked at how often this happens. I’m really loosing sleep over this. Any advice?

  18. That's a bit scary Mr.Attorney.I'm almost 75 years old and I pray and hope my Attorney can get me off if ever I have to shoot some one in self defense.We have great gun insurance for such an occasion or if someone breaks into our house.

  19. Thank you for your advice it really helps I have a question for you I am recently dealing with a criminal case and my defense attorney that I hired happens to have a personal friendship with the district attorney now he did make me aware of it prior to me hiring him I guess my question is do you think there is a conflict of interest there?

  20. That's unbelievable that a prosecutor would say he knows it will get overturned on appeal but he's going forward anyway. Isn't that against bar ethics? It's also possibly criminal malicious prosecution. That you would countenance such egregious misconduct taints your integrity.

  21. Where's the line crossed that witholds video evidence of a high crime such as a cop using a edged pair of handcuffs like a serial killer would to cut the palm of my hand then do a happy dance like he was a star in a purge movie and his just won points with his fellow career criminal cops on scene.
    Watched it in my public defenders office.hell he had it saved as if it was a treasure.
    But didn't give it to me when i requested them.but there on my channel.heavily skillfully edited by the cops to fit there narrative.hollywood caliber.but still they couldn't put anough lipstick on those pigs.

  22. Da lied did not turn information OVER. .Lawyer knew I even told him there was a witness. The DA called me every name in the book. And then told the judge not to let me appeal? Then had me aressted. This time I went full bore. And explained that I worked with the DA and this time he had to take the stand. They lawyer gave him soft ball question. I won. But lost 8 yrs for what a DA that got caught cutting deals on the side.Even the judge told me to sue them all. Then they throw my case out. So no DA and lawyers cut deals for favors down the line. If you don't know go to the courts sit in back and watch THEM. Its about the feather in the cap for the DA. And the MONEY in the pocket of the LAWYER. Just say it. Make that video.

  23. So here's the thing, when 75% of the people use state sponsored attorney's aka public defenders like I just did, you get what you pay for. However in the the criminal justice system it's not just nothing you get, it's less than nothing. What I mean is, you basically get an attorney that is specifically working against you and for the prosecutor. This is exactly what just happened to me.

  24. Thanks, but hey, I can't believe you're driving and talking… videoing… Looking away from the road. It only takes a second to have an accident and wind up being bullied by the police and entering the system as a defendant, ruining your life. One second your life gone.

  25. Wait so prosecutor and defense lawyer talk to each other before the first court date to negotiate the deal???

  26. I like how you stick your ‘dic’ in the shower…weatherman?…temperature gauge court judges are like the statue ..female no balls…blind folded…so court mostly gets ‘its’ pound of flesh..soon no more …- x

  27. This is disgusting u just admitted u sand bag some clients to get a favor for other clients guess money talks for u the bar needs to be dismantled gate guarding people why do I need to pay 10k plus just to have a fair defence it's my right lawyers like u that wanna talk high and mighty would be taking time to change laws or at very least attempt but nah let the good old boys go or the whole it's not my fight person lol it's ur country it's ur fight

  28. These people don’t care about who’s innocent they make money off of conviction guilty or not. They jeopardizing people lively hood by not holding up their end of the bargain. Most of these lawyers take your case 5:29 to make easy money without putting in much effort. For the most part the defense attorney wants you to take a plea so they don’t have to do work. It’s hard to find compassionate lawyers now and days. The system is corrupt and full of white supremacist. America will fall because of the wicked government and politicians.

  29. are the police going to arrest God for killing an armed with gun police officer with cancer? God has bigger guns than the police

  30. God just killed judge ruth bader ginsburg because her laws were not the bibles laws homosexual unions for example the penalty for treason is torture or death

  31. How many MORE ''Back Scratch'' deals would that prosecutor have offered you if you has said yes back in 2010?

  32. Well I guess we're kind of lucky, or kind of unique in our judicial district because it represents Three counties. So we have the three judges – one for each county, and it's would seem that we have a judge that is totally neutral, a judge that is pro state, and another judge that is a champion for the Bill of Rights and a bit more progressive than the other ones. He represents my county which is the district seat, so maybe he is a champion for the Bill of Rights because he witnesses first hand how much of a good ole boy network this judicial district can be at times. With that being said, I was a member of the gallery of the court of the state favoring judge and before the next case was called to order the judge asked the prosecution and defense attorneys to approach. Now mind your the courtroom was empty save the individuals previously mentioned and myself. There was an issue about regarding the defendant in the next case and I guess this was the public defender's first opportunity discussing this aspect of their client's case. I don't know if they were going to argue a motion or challenge a motion, but it had something to do with the benefit of the accused. I literally heard the words coming from the ADA's mouth in front of the judge saying "if you give <individual's name> to me now, I'll help you out on a later case." My mouth dropped and I guess an audible gasp was made because afterward all eyes were on me. Well, the people started to fill the gallery around this time and the case was called. And the prosecution made it's little spiel, and then the probation officer added her two cents – which I thought was weird because the defendant hadn't been found guilty yet , so who cares what the PO had to say. Right? And when it came time for the defense to say something, she just stayed quiet. So then the judge adds her comment almost pointedly in my direction, "And I don't care what precedent says I'm denying it!" I'm not a lawyer, why should I care about precedent? The whole thing really struck me wrong so I reached out to the defendant's mother, but nothing was ever done. These are some very poor people of color from an economically depressed area. They ended up throwing the book at the defendant who ended up being convicted on a possession charge.

  33. Well that is not what happened to me. My attorney wanted me to plead, lied to me all the way for 14 months, the preliminary hearing was continued 6 times, 2 of then by my attorney without my knowledge, not evidence was never presented, my attorney was trying to intimidate me telling me that I was ready to be indicted for like 30 charges, and that I was better off accepting one, and not evidence, just bluffing…. Just because the city had made a huge mistake, violating several rights. and everyone was trying to avoid consequences. Had to fired him! Now things are on the right direction. I had to involve the news and congress. Lawyers here were milking me out. You seen honest and doing the right thing, but can’t speak for everyone.

  34. OK, fair enough. But to the sir who made this video:

    Just to be more clear, not that i actually know for sure about what the original question asker meant, but i imagine that she PROBABLY meant the favors between the prosecution and the PUBLIC DEFENDERS.

  35. Why don't lawyers, prosecutors, and judges just follow the law just like everybody is obligated to do.
    That sounds like corruption in the eyes of the law!

  36. I know a former states attorney's office employee (the prosecution). They told me face to face…their job, their goal was to get "A CONVICTION, and not necessarily a conviction of the actual guilty party. He went on to explain that IF they thought they had enough evidence to prosecute 'person A', but not enough to prosecute 'person B' that they would go after 'person A' even if they knew that 'person B' was the guilty party. "In our business, its all about the conviction. We need a conviction to pacify the victim's family, and the public".

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