
Fat IDIOT Cop Pushes & Arrests Men For Not Backing Up! Police Retaliation! 1st Amendment Audit Fail


Fat IDIOT Cop Pushes & Arrests Men For Not Backing Up! Police Retaliation! 1st Amendment Audit Fail

#Fat #IDIOT #Cop #Pushes #Arrests #Men #Backing #Police #Retaliation #1st #Amendment #Audit #Fail

Fat IDIOT Cop Pushes & Arrests Men For Not Backing Up! Police Retaliation! 1st Amendment Audit Fail

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With this channel, I hope to provide value to the community by providing my commentary and ideas over the top of videos that have been released online. You may find unique reactions to audit clips, civilians owning cops, ID refusals, I don’t answer questions, police corruption, dirty cops, and much more!

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Lemmy Audit You –

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criminal law , Fat IDIOT Cop Pushes & Arrests Men For Not Backing Up! Police Retaliation! 1st Amendment Audit Fail, audits,copwatch,cops,police interactions,police videos,cops v citizens,police v citizens,best audits,cops gets owned,police gets owned,tyrant alert,tyrant gets owned,cops get educated,audit,1a audit,city,employee,intimidation fail,cops retaliation,retaliate,walk of shame,cops don’t like cameras,stop filming,id refusal,i dont answer question,female cop,police women,cops owned,cop dismissed,first amendment audit fail,1st amendment audit fail,tyrant

47 thoughts on “Fat IDIOT Cop Pushes & Arrests Men For Not Backing Up! Police Retaliation! 1st Amendment Audit Fail”


    Don't forget to help these videos get out there to bring awareness to everyone of their rights and help end police misconduct by hitting the Like button and leaving a comment with your thoughts on the video!

    How many civilians do you think these Cops have already violated their rights without them even knowing?
    End Qualified Immunity!

  2. My Question is if he has a legal restriction from that building and girl. Why does he go their? For a lawsuit. Maybe he stocking someone.

  3. Yelling doesn't make it right first off the business owner can trespass anyone it legal! Known as Merchant Rights look it up! 2nd it is not public space it is Private Properties people who rent, lease, or even own their business's land! It's a Private Property that invited the public to come do business on! So owners can tell you not to record on them and it's legal where 1st amendment right is on Public Properties which are Beaches, Parks, City Own, State Owned properties that allow civilians on! Roadways and sidewalks!! So this Officer was escorting him of the property while the civilian was not complying which escalated the situation! Properties can be the parking lot as well! Learn the facts sir!

  4. To become a police officer and carry a gun, they should have to go through a personality test, because most of them are sociopathic control freaks, and they need to go through years of training, not just 22 weeks. Then these guys who were picked on in high school graduate, spent 22 weeks at "the Academy", or given a gun and a badge and they think they are gods. Policeman should not be allowed to carry guns or arrest you without ample proof.

  5. I love the way morons walk up and stick their face into a camera then cry "git your camera outta my face"

  6. I just don't understand how any public building doesn't know we can go into a public building and record.
    Law enforcement officers are just dumb

  7. Public video and photography is NOT A CRIME!!!!! When are these public servants going to understand that.

  8. Thuggery from the same suspects it's horrible in America these blue coats are destroying us

  9. Cop on camera committing felony assault, battery and probably kidnapping after the video cut off. That’s at least a dozen felonies. Idiot just lost his qualified immunity and became a felon.

  10. Hopefully, he had a lawsuit against him and you won, and hopefully he loses his badge and everything else

  11. The plonker keeps walking up to the camera and the copper doesn’t stop him and he’s in a public building and they do t know the law if that guy entered my space a second time he would be being the sauce and I’d do it in front of the copper give him something to arrest me for rather that him trying to throw np,e …his words out of the building …what a sad crew of people bless the snowflakes 😂😂😂

  12. This is disgusting behavior on the part of the police officer..he should know the law but obviously doesn't. Go to jail sir and and realize what you have done

  13. We need to remind these PUBLIC SERVANTS that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS and they WORK FOR THE PUBLIC.

  14. Firstly I would be in cuffs, because the second the cOP, walked up to me like that. I would push back😮 to create personal space😉🤕

  15. Start breaking noses. If you're so big and bad and know the law, then defend yourself. Quit being a little crybaby and annoying everyone around you while loitering. Since you think you're in the right, and they clearly touched you first, put your big boy pants on and throw down.

  16. Is there ANYONE in that sad pathetic country called America who has NOT been in cuffs or arrested?

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