
Fani Willis STAR WITNESS Trolls Presecution and Young Thugs Lawyer!


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40 thoughts on “Fani Willis STAR WITNESS Trolls Presecution and Young Thugs Lawyer!”

  1. Plus this is the dame prosecution team against Trump which means Fani Should be disbarred because aint no way ypu have ex parte communication without the defense

  2. They should file it to the supreme Court to disband the judge from being a court judge in general.

  3. The fact the judge arrested an innocent lawyer and started showing his true colors shows just how innocent young thug is. Even if he isn’t innocent, it is immoral to set someone up for failure.

  4. New evidence just came out on Judge Brown's podcast!! Not only are they corrupt. Fani and Glanville are just nasty!!

  5. MTR in Atlanta is lit 😂 but seriously this is concerning for all citizens that a judge would abuse his authority like this

  6. When you watch this video and see that idiot on the stand…just think, these are the hopeless, uneducated, ignorant, contributor of zero to society, that you walk past everyday, send your kids to school woth kids that they birth and raise…potentially have possible fatal interaction with as you go about your life.

    It scares me everyday. While you have hopes and dreams to do things for your life, family and community, you may just by chance run into them in a way wjere your entire life and future may be compromised forever.

    Its a scary thought

  7. Wait, when did you leave New York after fully paying for that Loft in NY??? When did you move to Atlanta??

  8. All I hear is young thug defense MTR you supposed to be about men growing tf up not selling drugs back to our communities lol you lost me G

  9. Let's give the judge the benefit of doubt and say he didn't know he couldn't have a secret meeting with just the prosecution and star witness, convince him during the meeting to switch from pleading the 5th to testifying. We would then have to believe that our laws are so congested, convoluted, jargon filled, and a labyrinth of latin that isn't easily understood. It's so bad that our top judges can't keep it straight. Yet somehow I'm supposed to follow and obey the laws I don't and can't comprehend. Given the state of all our laws why are we not acknowledging how ignorant we wrote them…?? I was under the impression that all us normal citizens require the laws and any variation of control to be easy to understand and not require 8 years of studying law to comprehend. How can we play the game if we don't know the rules…? People if they made the laws to where we can't understand them then they can manipulate them into being whatever we wsnt , it's a blank check to run how we want!

  10. Woody’s lawyer is doing less as possible… buddy can get still catch a fed case & yet the lawyer is quiet when prosecutors are asking him questions surrounding the murder of Peanut. Which lends to what was said during that meeting… “confess to the murder and tell us who paid you to do it (Thug) on the stand.”

  11. Williams’ (Thug’s) lawyer is stupid because he’s allowing them to call my client “ thug” in front of jurors that don’t know him but at the end of the day, know the definition of the word “thug.” Murders and rico as a gang leader will be easy math when asked whether he’s guilty or not.

  12. L Judge but i find it hilarious his lawyer claim ysl aint a gang but gunna literally stood on trial and said it was 😂

  13. Plot twist Judge and prosecution are working for thug. Thats how bad this whole thing is going.

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