
Families of Israeli hostages sue Hamas at the International Criminal Court


Families of Israeli hostages sue Hamas at the International Criminal Court

#Families #Israeli #hostages #sue #Hamas #International #Criminal #Court

Families of hostages taken by Hamas and other Gazan terrorists on October 7 fly to the ICC to file a war crimes law suit in the Hague

Chris den Hoedt speaks to Calev from the Netherlands on the indictment


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criminal law , Families of Israeli hostages sue Hamas at the International Criminal Court, Gaza Strip,Hamas,ICC,Israel,Karim Khan,October 7,The Netherlands,The Rundown,War crimes,abductees,hostages,i24NEWS,law suit

47 thoughts on “Families of Israeli hostages sue Hamas at the International Criminal Court”

  1. So IDF can kill innocent children and they are not able to be stopped by the UN BUT…because your children are hostages, we should make them do something?

  2. What a fabulous idea! And then we can suss out the Hannibal doctrine and how BB netanyahu used it on October 7th to provoke this war to stay in power and avoid going to prison for life. Fabulous idea! I'm so glad you brought this to light of day. Congratulations!

  3. The court has already issued a ruling for Hamas to release all the hostages. They have ignored it. I doubt anything will come out of this complaint. Unfortunately.

  4. From our family to your families, we pray for your safety, wisdom & strength.
    God bless 🇮🇱🙏✡️✝️❤️

  5. Prayer for Israel and hoping someday muslim will know the true that they are following the wrong prophet phedoganglord.

  6. The Palestinian Children are been Kidnapped imprisoned By a Military Court Detained for months Without Trial, underaged Girls and Boys raped by the IDF I think they Definitely have a WAR CRIMES CASE to take to the HAGUE

  7. Not only families of hostages, even families who lost their loved ones on oct 7 should also file on hammas, UNRWA and UN who play a major part in these atrocities

  8. The Hague removed the American president judge and replaced him with a very antisemitic Lebanese Nawaf Salam what do you think about that😂 #ICC, UN, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, RED CROSS UNHCR just to name a few are Antisemitic organizations, funded by Muslim countries like Qatar, Iran etc etc. The only way for true peace is to get rid of all these organizations. #Abolish UN, #Defund #Disband organizations that are antisemitic, biased, ethnicity racism, only interested in getting money for themselves.

  9. ISRAEL, A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS! You were toven Eivine Torah on My. Sinai. Why look to The Hague or ICJ or anyone else in the world?

    BE WHO YOU ARE, and live by Torah in Israel, gather all Jews home, and kasher rhe Land!

    You need only permission of HASHEM! It is you who should lead the nations with Torah as the guiding light!

  10. Also, please take the disingenuous "revert" from South Africa, the hideous: N@ledi Pand@r to the ICC and the ICJ for filing frivolous lawsuits that have ZERO merit and which are used as a weap@n against a Democracy.

  11. May GoD put HIS amgels around each of you don:t worry about what you will say GOD will put it in your minds and hearts

  12. How about you take Netanyahu the terrorists and cowards who on oct 7 with all the US backing and military capability prepared everyday except oct 7 didn't protect the Israeli people Netanyahu who knew about tunnels and incoming threat before oct 7

  13. Good luck with that one Guys the UN only support Hamas and ignore Israel this is a very Corrupt and evil Organisation .

  14. Sue them all, UN, Tunnelers, PLO, UNRWA, Red Cross, etc. They have been exposed and should pay for the consequence of their actions with huge sums of $$$$$$. Repay everything that was given over the last 20 years.

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