
“EXTREMELY Alarming!” – The Sun’s Trevor Kavanagh On SNP New Hate Crime Laws Protecting Trans People


“EXTREMELY Alarming!” – The Sun’s Trevor Kavanagh On SNP New Hate Crime Laws Protecting Trans People

#EXTREMELY #Alarming #Suns #Trevor #Kavanagh #SNP #Hate #Crime #Laws #Protecting #Trans #People

The Scottish Government’s controversial new hate crime law came into effect on Monday.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in 2021, consolidating existing hate crime legislation and creating a new offence of stirring up hatred against protected characteristics, although sex has been omitted in favour of a standalone Bill designed to tackle misogyny.

A stirring up offence on the basis of race has been on the statute book in Scotland since 1986.

But the legislation has raised concerns about a potential chilling of free speech.

Prominent critics include author JK Rowling, podcaster Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, the owner of X – formerly Twitter.

The Act has also raised the ire of policing bodies, with the Scottish Police Federation (SPF) claiming training for officers is not enough and the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS) raising concerns about the legislation being weaponised for political purposes.

Ex-political editor at The Sun, Trevor Kavanagh says the SNP’s new hate crime law is “incomprehensible” as it ‘can’t be policed’.

“Is this absurd law going to be limited just to Scottish frontier or will it spread into the rest of Britain? It’s extremely alarming!”

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38 thoughts on ““EXTREMELY Alarming!” – The Sun’s Trevor Kavanagh On SNP New Hate Crime Laws Protecting Trans People”

  1. BRITAIN has got one dangerous man in the name of HUMSAH YUSEF,, he has a total agenda to totally discredit the SNP then will come THE MNP,, the muslim national party,, he must at all cost be stopped,,, for us now he is the antichrist,, they are told in their mosques GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY and boy are they doing just that.

  2. Woke stupidity at its finest, as Ricky Gervais said, we are the most advanced living thing on Earth, We’ve created advanced technologies, and put a man on the moon, but we’re scared of words!

  3. Comedy shows are going to be a thing of the past Billy Connolly is world loved for his stand up comedy, now it’ll be “knock knock ✊🏼 who’s there? The police for butt hurt feelings”

  4. This is why we all, every man and women voting age need to vote for Reclaim and show the woke Labour and Tories that us Britain's will stand for common scenes.

  5. The very first thing that this act MUST stop is the Hate Marches that have been happening each week end against the Jewish people. Now, don't tell me these aren't hate generated?

  6. This will spread. Scotland is just testing the water. Islamists will take over UK left, right and center.

  7. Meanwhile, knife crimes are soaring. Whatever happened to "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me?" Time for some common sense.

  8. I bet real criminals are having a field day because the police are too busy policing people who happen to have different opinions or thoughts rather than rapists, murderers etc. Common sense, morality and intelligence are dead! R.I.P. ⚰️ It’s from the pits of hell! If the police want to arrest me I’ll identify as a fellow police officer and say you can’t arrest me 😏

  9. Am I alone in thinking that people's right to free speech, combined with social media, is at the root cause of so much of this country's lawlessness, bullying and intimidation???

  10. Sturgeon believed if she cant have Scotland no one else can. So she promoted a real fool, Hamza, whom she knew everyone would hate more than her. Sturgeon and Yousef, using money they are not entitled to. £670.000 Sturgeon and £380.000 Yousef. Throw them both in prison for years.

  11. UK Parliament can overrule laws made by the Scottish Parliament. Go ask the Tory mps if they'll actually do something constructive….. Oh wait they gave us the draconian online safety bill and gave us a new definition of extremism. Amusingly both the Tories and SNP have unelected none native leaders. I'm not surprised by their complete incompetence. I expect nothing less.

  12. Who gave the SNP the right to take away our rights to freedom of speech, innocent until proven guilty, for Scotland England and Wales. Yes WE ARE ALL BEING SCREWED.

  13. You did criminalise hate crime against Anti semitism ,its only fair that hate crime is reported and dealt with it.The right is going wilde normalising criminal behaviour and trying to claim free speach .Why cant people critisise the war.

  14. How dare they protect a community that lives in fear because of the disgusting country they have to endure! How dare the SNP!!

  15. This man was crying for his wife in law in Palestine while the same government was funding and supplying weapons to get them killed 😂😂😂😂😂

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