
EXCLUSIVE: Hate Crime Law could make Scotland ‘most hateful country on Earth’


EXCLUSIVE: Hate Crime Law could make Scotland ‘most hateful country on Earth’

#EXCLUSIVE #Hate #Crime #Law #Scotland #hateful #country #Earth

Humza Yousaf marked his first year as SNP leader, giving an exclusive interview with the Scottish Sun.

We asked Mr Yousaf about the controversial new Hate Crime Law.

Scottish Sun Political Editor, Conor Matchet, asked: ‘Callum Steele who you will know, the former chair of the Police Federation who looked after the rank and file, said, I suspect that within a very short period of time we’ll have data suggesting Scotland to be one of the most hateful countries on earth.’

‘I mean, surely that must worry you as a possibility given that I don’t think that’s how you would describe Scotland?’

Mr Yousaf said: ‘It’s definitely not how I’d describe Scotland, but I also don’t think Scotland is immune from hate.’

– Contents of video: –
00:00 – Do you understand concern over the (hate crime) act?
02:52 – Sounds like a waste of police time
04:02 – Scotland ‘to be one of the most hateful countries on Earth’
05:16 – A robust piece of legislation


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criminal law , EXCLUSIVE: Hate Crime Law could make Scotland ‘most hateful country on Earth’, humza yousaf,scotland,Scottish,Edinburgh,SNP,scottish national party,Holyrood,Scottish politics,British politics,politics,UK politics,gb politics,Scotland politics,nats,news,scottish news,political news,UK news,snp news,British news,snp latest,humza yousaf scotland,snp leader,snp latest news,hamza yusuf snp,humza youseless,humza yousaf exclusive interview,humza yousaf the scottish sun,humza yousaf interview,hate crime law,hate crime,snp hate crime

34 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Hate Crime Law could make Scotland ‘most hateful country on Earth’”

  1. The man has absolutely no self awareness.I hope he’s mass reported to the police and arrested with his own law.Hes not hated for his skin colour he’s hated for his arrogance,stupidity and incompetence in government,and probably because he has no redeeming qualities.The man is a roaster of the highest order.

  2. Get lost you communist Every Scottish people will finally realise what disaster you and Nicola brought to Scotland. I came here and worked as a nurse and had to put up racism but you want protection. You don’t even know the definition of hate crime

  3. Please also report Anus sarwar for hate crime with his anti white speech in Parliament on 10/6/2020 . 10 minutes BEFORE Useless . Look it up.

  4. If the police did their job he wouldn’t be first minister, in fact there would be quite a few Nats in jail with him

  5. too late when you have the SNP bigots at the border with placards saying English not welcome you realise how low Scotland has sunk under the SNP, when SNP supporters danced on the streets celebrating the death of Queen Elizabeth showed the true face of Scotland today, I was in Scotland at the last election and the SNP thugs were outside the polling stations intimidating voters and the police just let them do it, care home cast the votes for residents so the first time my other halfs mother voted SNP she was always a labour voter.

  6. Robust piece of legislation that JK Rowling has already driven an eighteen wheeler through!

  7. The balance between narration and ambient sounds is perfect. It creates an immersive experience that captivates the audience.

  8. AHaving an opinion, especially when you are RIGHT, is NOT a crime. The Scots have lost their minds. Get rid of the idiots who made this a law.

  9. HE TALES ABOUT COLOUR BUT what gives him the right to stand in holywood and go on about white people in jobs and when complaints are made the police say no crime made

  10. I dislike this man despite his race or religion. Oh no, am i now in trouble for calling him a man?

  11. People are so angry that they can't use there lazy old tropes when talking about gay and trans people.

  12. I have someone who needs to be brought up on these new charges, his name is Humza Haroon Yousaf

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