
Ex-con-turned-activist featured on Joe Rogan podcast arrested in gruesome murder | NBC New York


Ex-con-turned-activist featured on Joe Rogan podcast arrested in gruesome murder | NBC New York

#Exconturnedactivist #featured #Joe #Rogan #podcast #arrested #gruesome #murder #NBC #York

A criminal justice activist who boasted about turning his life around after getting out of prison, going on shows like the “Joe Rogan Experience,” has been arrested on murder charges after a man was found dismembered in a Bronx apartment. NBC New York’s Ida Siegal reports.
criminal law , Ex-con-turned-activist featured on Joe Rogan podcast arrested in gruesome murder | NBC New York, Bronx,Joe Rogan,murder,Sheldon Johnson

44 thoughts on “Ex-con-turned-activist featured on Joe Rogan podcast arrested in gruesome murder | NBC New York”

  1. he has NEVER turned his life around and people tried to tell you he is insane.
    he was a murderer and STILL is a murderer.

    so NO has was never turning himself around, he was using the turned my life around BS as a cover. there WILL be others he has killed

  2. The media are more than media, they have a hidden agenda and pull the cloth over the wolfs eyes they are trying to brainwash everyone for population controll its a very deliberate agenda.

  3. I would say the majority of people with a head, arms and a torso in the apartment, are innocent …. Hmmmm NO.

  4. Sad thing is people will judge everyone in prison that is us trying to win a chance at a new life and prove they are not a threat to society like this guy.

  5. Yeah innocent with body parts in your own fridge. How many dumpsters did he pass by to get back to his house 🤯

  6. He said he is innocent but they found body parts in his own apartment and have video of him . Mmm someone is lousy liar

  7. They're all frontin. You didn't know?
    They dont change.
    Theyve just learned to speak a little better, dress better and infiltrate.
    Leopards never change their spots.

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