
Evidence Released in Ruby Franke Child Abuse Case


Evidence Released in Ruby Franke Child Abuse Case

#Evidence #Released #Ruby #Franke #Child #Abuse #Case

The evidence against Ruby Franke has been released and it shows the severity of abuse her kids went through. Included are graphic photos, police interviews and bodycam footage before the #8Passengers mom and her partner #JodiHildebrandt were sentenced to prison. [VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED]

00:00 Ruby Franke Case
03:23 New Video Evidence
08:57 Police Interviews
14:45 Expert Analysis

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26 thoughts on “Evidence Released in Ruby Franke Child Abuse Case”

  1. "It's personal business."

    Typical abusive parent conditoning. What happens in this house, stays in this house OR ELSE.

  2. Vinnie, u always serve it straight up we know that about ya. To hear this man lchoke back his tears while trying to describe (but really not wanting to ever have to say these words about one of OUR AMERICAN KIDS) this boys condition/situation — took my breath away💔I've steered clear of this case as much as I could, I knew it would have this type of impact on me.

  3. Wow, that kid saved his and his siblings' lives. ❤ Wishing them nothing but the best, going forward.

  4. How can a father or anyone support a spouse who abused their own child. I think he knew what was going on.

  5. Can I mail Adult diaper depends to R and J in state Utah Prision? I promise to journal how funny it is to regress having no Control of their bowels. Supper funny Mom. Their bodies were starved and beaten. The human body was setting off bells "Trouble, trouble Mr. Smith." These 2 kids were dying. Ruby told Kevin condition of their 2 youngest was being overblown. Ruby answered, Witch hunt. R & E don't need hospitalization. Like, What. See, Like Joseph Smith, both she and Jodi are misunderstood, misinterpreted chosen message bearers. Like Jos. Smith the general public is sucked in by the evil one unable to see R & J are righteous and true to the real prophets, who reign from the Mormon Faith. Wake up Utah.+++

  6. RF court speech was totally staged, her attempt to look remorseful, like she 'realized' how much harm she has caused, to all her children, I mean why is her eldest so angry with 'both' her parents?, because they both violated their children, if not directly, then indirectly, by standing by & claiming they were not aware of it or it was somehow justified and not as bad as what it looks! KF seems to be trying to cover up for RF, he doesn't appear to have reached out to find out how his kids are doing or the details of what has really been going on. This just shows how ignorant he is, why did KF not build any relationships with any of his children, seems like he didn't even communicate or bond with them, did he not sit down and eat, play, hug, cuddle, teach them things like how to ride a bike, did he take a back seat in everything?

    Where were their grandparents, relatives, friends, oh, that's right they didn't have any???? Seems like there were no other influencers, in their lives, other than obsessive religious & church related influences…He didn't even have contact with his older kids, who did not live at home, it seems like he was isolated from them as well, why? He could have had contact with them, yet they didn't choose to have contact with him either, that speaks volumes to me, they are probably angry that he did nothing & condoned Ruby's torturous abuse, he neglected them just by not getting to know them.
    RF speech sounded like a Academy award acceptance speech, thank you to the officers, the Judge, this and that one, wtf, who does that when they have been charged with a serious torturous abuse offences, R probably would have died in the near future had he not escaped. He speech was just her attempt to manipulate, anyone involved, so they won't go against a Parole hearing & she gets out early, she even continues to manipulate her children by the words in that speech & is using Kevin to manipulate the system, and the children, on her behalf, it's all an act, she is trying to sway the people involved to her advantage, until she gets what she wants. She's a very cunning, sneaky, and calculating person, I wouldn't trust her with anything.

  7. Pisses me off everytime I hear that cop finish the husband's sentence and/or tells him how he feels. Cops did a bad job with the dad.
    Jodi did what all Americans are supposed to do in her situation. Once you say you want/will wait for a lawyer, you do not talk, you do not say anything. She can't be judged for that.

  8. Her mom had her so scared she didn't even talk to the police. So sad. Her mom brainwashed her against the police

  9. That poor boy. This woman needs to go to jail and throw away the key. Poor man is crying just like anyone should be

  10. Vinnie … I totally agree with you!! A mother that could do, or allow someone else to do, what was done to those 2 children are MORE responsible for the torture & injury they caused to her flesh & blood. They both should be kept in prison for the rest of their lives … which still would not be as cruel a situation as what they did to Franke's son & daughter!! At least in prison they will be treated better than they treated these kids. They will be fed, have medical attention & not made to stand in the summer temps with no shoes or water. I don't believe that Ruby Franke is repentant yet. She is trying to get a lighter sentence. May God heal those 6 kids that had to be exposed to Ruby's cruel treatment even before she met Jodi. The proof of her starving her kids was filmed on her Youtube channel. She was proud of her "wise" treatment of her kids. Her excuse was she was trying to save their souls. She is an evil person who should never have access to children again!!

  11. Ruby's fellow inmates should know the details about her abuse of young children. Nobody likes child sadists.

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