
Everything around Rex Heuermann was touched with evil: Attorney for two victims | NewsNation Live


#Rex #Heuermann #touched #evil #Attorney #victims #NewsNation #Live

Rex Heuermann, the man already suspected in the deaths of four women found near Long Island’s Gilgo Beach, was charged in the murders of two more women Thursday during his latest court appearance. John Ray, attorney for the family of Jessica Taylor, one of the victims, discusses how the new evidence law enforcement found highlights what he says is a “demonic” episode Heuermann went through.

#RexHeuermann #GilgoBeach #crime

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lawyers near me , Everything around Rex Heuermann was touched with evil: Attorney for two victims | NewsNation Live


26 thoughts on “Everything around Rex Heuermann was touched with evil: Attorney for two victims | NewsNation Live”

  1. John Ray is an angel. And I agree with him about Rex wife. If she didnt help him, shes complicit just by not cleaning her house.

  2. I believe this monster has killed many more than six but I don't think the wife and children knew anything. Psychopath narcissists are masters of lying.

  3. In a sense, Heuermann story-boarded his deadly checklist with descriptive words relating to torture, rape murder, dismemberment of bodies, disposal of them, etc. A meticulous planner, like any detailed-oriented architect would be.And don't forget, he worked with blueprints and floor plans as an architect, creating many of them.

  4. I was unaware that a bunch of SK’s were all on drugs. I assumed the killing was their drug. Rex is done for though. Making those lists is not only disturbing but also stupid on his part.

  5. Since they say he tortured them, I wonder if he dismembered them while they were still alive.

  6. I cant start to imagine the horrors these women went through before death. It was probable a relief in the end. Rip for all those girls we know and are unknown yet. ❤

  7. He has such an arrogant attitude. I can feel evil coming from him. His eyes are blank like no soul lives within him. Prayers for the family and friends of all the victims. I cannot imagine being chased through the woods like an animal by this evil being. He is what nightmares are made of.

  8. We live in a fallen world. Evil as been around since the dawn of man. Rex heuremen is a victim. Hes a product of our society. We live in a society where sin is rampant. We have temptation everywhere. We have strip places/red light districts/prostitution/drugs/white slavery/serial killers/ violent movies/ crooked police/our judicial courts are a joke/. And you call him a monster. We created that monster. Evil created that monster. But its not the rexes of the world we should fear. Its the one that can take the soul. There is a far worst place to be than rexs dungeon. Think about that

  9. Who cares shes your baby. Thats why the mother should care. Maybe if the family were more aware of what there daughters are doing instead of putting there heads in the sand. Denial isnt it wonderful. You wait till your babies are dead and then do something. They werent babies they were women in a profession that is illegal. Sleeping with strange men what do you expect. This is what happens when you play russian roullete with your life. This is what happens when money becomes more important than your own life. They were not innocents they were not angels they were selling there bodies. Lets call a spade a spade. We need to imcorporate a sense of self worth and respect. We need to know who we are. That we are more than this. that we are capable of good things in life. We can have a rich productive life pursuing those things in life that are worthwhile. When we sin there are consequences. Selling your body is a sin. And when you do these things you leave yourself open to be used and in this case torture mutaltion and murder. It only takes one. Think about that!
    Families are destroyed. Its not just about you. Instill in your daughters and sons Gods word start reading the bible to them. Take them to church. Tell them there loved and precious. Introduce them to reading. Going for a walk. Getting an education. Something they can be proud of.

  10. Zodiac killer, and others have misspelled words in their letters to cops. Its just a game to them. Sun trying yi throw cops off, making them think they are looking for a moron. Or maybe he's dyslexic my math teacher was dyslexic and misspelled words constantly. Not a big deal, and does nothing to suggest its not him. This dudes dna is all over this case.

  11. It blows me away this information/evidence is released to the media/public as he is charged. How can there possibly be an unbiased jury pool to draw from? He’s a horrible man who will probably never again see the light of day, my issue is with the craziness of US media/legal systems that allows this much access to evidence and information outside of the courtroom and before a trial has even commenced

  12. I would like to point out something that I learned from watching the videos of Sloan Bella, a psychic, medium & astrologer living in LA. She herself had run away from home in Toronto, Canada, 2-3 months after she turned 14, due to being sexually assaulted by someone in the family (not necessarily the parents). She turned to stripping to make a living, and discovered that EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. IN. THE. SEX. INDUSTRY. that she encountered, HAD ALL SUFFERED SEXUAL ASSAULT AS CHILDREN – EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

    Again, this may not have been by the immediate/ closest family members, but, another factor she realized, is that no-one BELIEVED either her or the other people she worked-with later in the sex industry, when they tried to talk about this in/ to their family/ parents.

    This revelation TOTALLY changed my understanding and my former judgement of sex workers – though it has ALWAYS struck me that we prosecute and punish the sex workers, and not ever the (PRIMARILY) MEN, who seek their services (and then ABUSE them, NOR address the REASONS/ situations, that drove the prostitutes/ escorts to sex work to begin with.

    So, please – especially LAW ENFORCEMENT, SOCIAL WORK, MEDICAL – including PSYCHIATRIC, PERSONNEL, ETC. – please remember – that the chances are almost 100%, that every sex worker or "loose" person you deal with, was MESSED-WITH, SEXUALLY, as a CHILD.

    As Sloan says, "Trauma is the gateway drug." (leading to drug & alcohol abuse, etc.)

    BTW, Sloan Bella is a fierce TRUTH-TELLER, who lost a child, after she, her husband (now divorced) and their sons were threatened, for her speaking the Truth on VERY uncomfortable subjects.

    Sex workers deserve our compassion, our understanding, and our help. NO ONE "deserves" to suffer what these young women did for a living – NO ONE. Thank you to the lawyer who is trying to help the families of these victimized women.

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