
English literature


English literature

english , English literature , #English #literature
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34 thoughts on “English literature”

  1. People who make this joke don't realise that symbolism and themes are actually real and these are things that artists and writers do actually think about. They don't just bash it out to get it done so they can hand their coursework in and go play football.

  2. The house of Malfoy represent the peak of the hierarchical tier of the wizarding world in muggle terms we might dub them blue bloods, also known as royalty or nobleborn, and thus Draco wears blue.

  3. Slytherin is green dude wtf. You can arrange the use of a classroom but can’t double check the facts?😂

  4. Its green and silver…. its not important to the sketch but the thumb rule is if you want to use an example do it right otherwise the subject of your contenet will be lost in the tirade against your lack of due dilligence.

  5. We were reading 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde', our teacher tried to convince us that when Mr. Hyde tramples a child like "some damned juggernaut", there were connotations that he r@ped her….. genuinely dont understand what goes through some english teachers minds

  6. Is it bad that my teacher does all of this, the word emphasis, hand gestures and dresses EXACTLY the same like it’s not even funny

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