
ENGLISH LEVEL TEST | Are you C1 level (advanced)?


ENGLISH LEVEL TEST | Are you C1 level (advanced)?

Do you think you’re C1 in English? Take this test and find out your level.

00:00 – QUESTION 1
00:38 – QUESTION 2
01:13 – QUESTION 3
01:46 – QUESTION 4
02:11 – QUESTION 5
02:37 – QUESTION 6
03:04 – QUESTION 7
03:31 – QUESTION 8
03:59 – QUESTION 9
04:23 – QUESTION 10
04:56 – QUESTION 11
05:26 – QUESTION 12
05:49 – QUESTION 13
06:26 – QUESTION 14
06:46 – QUESTION 15

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english , ENGLISH LEVEL TEST | Are you C1 level (advanced)? , #ENGLISH #LEVEL #TEST #level #advanced
, English Level Test,level test,level test english,English levl test,English Level Quiz,Level quiz,level quiz english,C1 level test,C1 level quiz,english test,english level test,evaluate your english level,english quiz,english test questions,english test paper,advanced english quiz,advanced english test,advanced english,exam english,english exam,english exam qustions,english exam question with answers,english level question

27 thoughts on “ENGLISH LEVEL TEST | Are you C1 level (advanced)?”

  1. I got 12/15 and I'm a Korean student, 17 years old. English is not my native language and I've never learned the grammar… So I just solved these problems with my gut 😂 I started to learn English when I was 9 years old (It is very late year in Korea) and never went to the academies. I just learned it myself and I'm interested in English 😉 I'll enter a university in Australia and I hope that I can do English very well!! 💪 (grammar is sooo difficult ..

  2. I got 0/15. I'm a native speaker that is so old as the English language. I've been with all kinds of English speakers my whole life. Currently I'm THE English linguistics professor and working at Yale, Harvard, MIT, Princeton all at the same time. I've published all the existing and soon to exist articles about English language. I believe I'm the fastest learner to exist because I acknowledge efficiency is the key and taking baby steps is a waste of time

  3. Missed by just two, one by change last sec which I'm quite mad on that one by not beliving in myself. And the last one just my bad. I still can't tell much apart like we use this after this or use that in this situation. I only know that I feel wrong about it or it just doesn't make sense 😂
    I guess 4 years of working on an international hobby has paided off.
    Also one more thing after I get on this kind of work, what I got to know is that, you might be good in English at America but if you have to move to Germany, Russia, Indonesia and other nation. It could become a whole new different language, English accent isn't easy at all. 😅😂

  4. 11/15 I'm happy with my results but I need to keep practicing, thanks for this videos! 😀

  5. I'm not a native speaker. I got 14 out of 15 right. Very few were based on remembering grammar rules; most of them were just choosing what sounded better. Out of the 14, one was pure luck! So, technically, I got 13 correct

  6. I am not sure whether is was my bilingual school or the fact that I have been watching Youtube for 10+ years but I reached perfect 15/15. I have a European c1 certificate tho

  7. I am 13 y/o from Argentina learning English and I surprised myself! Ty for putting the explanation after the answer reveal. It helps to understand good why is your answer correct / incorrect

  8. 13/15. After watching more than 1200h of English content and classes, we can identify unnatural sentences.

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