
English Job Interview Dos & Dont’s! | English Conversation Practice


English Job Interview Dos & Dont’s! | English Conversation Practice

In today’s lesson, I’ll be giving you all the Dos & Donts you’ll need to ace your next job interview in English. If English isn’t your first language, interviewing can be very stressful and difficult. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll learn the most common interview questions, how to answer them, and important key phrases that will help you land the job!

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Improve your American Accent / spoken English at Rachel’s English with video-based lessons and exercises. Rachel uses real-life English conversation as the basis for teaching how to speak English and how to sound American — improve listening comprehension skills. Study English vocabulary and English phrases such as phrasal verbs, as well as common expressions in English. Learn American idioms and American slang.

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english , English Job Interview Dos & Dont’s! | English Conversation Practice , #English #Job #Interview #Dos #Donts #English #Conversation #Practice
, Rachel’s English,rachels english,job interview,job interview in english,job interview practice,english job interview questions and answers,english job interview practice,english job interview conversation,english job interview example,interview questions in english,how to do a job interview,job interview tips,job interview dos and donts,english speaking practice,english conversation practice,interview tips and tricks,interview in english,english conversation

48 thoughts on “English Job Interview Dos & Dont’s! | English Conversation Practice”

  1. How do people manage to come up with stuff on the fly? They might ask me the simplest question ever like "What's your name" and I wouldn't know what to say. The moment I open my mouth it gets disconnected from the brain and words just won't come out

  2. Raquel i have used your ideas to train a few of my English students to feel confident in getting the jobs they are applying for, thanks!a few

  3. my recomendation is you speak more slowly remenber you are teching when you need speak you need a pause

  4. Thank you for very simple tips but powerful to answer..I always follow your video and study it..❤

  5. Thank you so much Rachel 😊.

    This video made me to think in my biggest weakness is how to handle the emotions. Could you tell me an idea how to respond about my weakness?

  6. Rachel I found your channel trying to self-train myself for my job interviews. I am a resident of Florida and I work as a seamstress despite having finished my university studies in Cuba, I have not yet gotten a job due to my lack of fluency in communicating, due to the panic I had from my 1st interview to work at Michaels. Thank you for your video, as you say, I have already identified my weaknesses, now I have to overcome them. I made screenshots of your advice and now I'm going to copy everything and review

  7. I really love and appreciated the way your share, it is very easy to understand. I watched your videos, learned and fixed myself on my pronunciation and mouth shape. I'm going to take the final interview with the Germany company and required to communicate in English at company enviroment, this video helps me alot to have a better preparation. Thank you Rachel!

  8. 1. Tell me a little about yourself (3:15)

    2. Can you tell me how you heard about this position? (5:40)

    3. What attracted you to our company? (7:25)

    4. What’s your greatest strength? (9:05)
    5. Tell me about a time when you had a setback and how you overcame it / Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult client or co-worker. (10:45)

    6. What’s your greatest weakness? (13:20)

    7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (15:17)

    8. Do you have any questions for me? (17:00)

  9. I swear that I would get the job that I interviewed for last month if I watched this video before the interview😭😭😭😭

  10. Who wanna practice with me? I need improve my English English because i would like apply to call center? I'm available

  11. I owe you a debt of thanks.
    I have followed along with your video to prepare for an interview in English and today I was informed that I was accepted for the training program . I returned back here to thank you for that 😊

  12. That's great video but it is pretty long I wish it could be shorter and meaningful …coz it seems a bit boring 🙃👍👍

  13. Hi Rachel ! I just explored your videos, I will definatelly follow your page, you are great at this … thank you !

  14. Thank you so much, I've got this question before but to give the best answer never, I appreciate this video, helped me a lot and now I can provide better answer than before and also improve my answer skills.

  15. Omg I'm really very nervous for this part, all my jobs in Mexico require English and in thoughts I'm need more practice

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