
English Conversation Practice | Daily Use English Sentences


English Conversation Practice | Daily Use English Sentences

Practicing English conversation is a way of improving your speaking skills. It can help you to improve your fluency, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You can also use practice English conversation to improve your conversational skills.

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How can I practice English conversation?

There are a number of ways that you can practice English conversation. You can use it to improve your speaking skills. You can also use it to improve your conversational skills. You can also use it to practice your vocabulary. You can also use it to practice your pronunciation.

So the best way to learn English vocabulary is to watch our Everyday English Conversations video lessons. You will also learn how to use grammar terms in everyday life.


You must do daily English conversation practice to improve your English listening and speaking skills. If you want to understand native speakers instantly, you should listen to our everyday English conversation lessons repeatedly.

Practice English conversation with our video lessons. So you can understand and participate in everyday conversations.

In this video, you will listen to several everyday English conversation examples in real life. So you will learn English vocabulary fast and you will improve your speaking.

Please listen to this lesson 2 times daily for one week so that you will be able to use English vocabulary and sentences automatically.

You can also watch our short stories to learn English. Just listen to our mini-stories and answer the easy questions out loud. Repeat the lessons daily for one week and you will improve your listening and speaking fast.

Short Stories In English 👉

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English video lessons 👉

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—– Contents of this video—-

00:08 – English conversation practice
00:29 – English at the police station
04:00 – English at the hospital
07:29 – English at the sports center
11:11 – English at the office
14:01 – English at the bakery
16:49 – Happy new year in English
20:29 – English at the airport
24:03 – Job interview in English
38:16 – English Speaking Practice

Thanks for watching our English video lessons ❤️

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29 thoughts on “English Conversation Practice | Daily Use English Sentences”

  1. This English conversation practice is extremely helpful for me because I could learn some new vocabulary words and phrases that I hadn't seen before and I should acknowledge that I still don't know several words, phrases and idioms used by native speakers, they speak so quickly and I would love to understand them because I do hold out hope that the opportunity of making friends and having flowing conversations with natives will come true one day. I love learning English conversations on a daily basis in order to grasp the most important vocabulary and sentences while listening to them carefully and talking with English-speaking people anywhere in the world, they don't know how I am and I feel like getting into interacting with native speakers of different backgrounds, cultures and so on. I did take up my English learning journey way back when and it's truly a long-term commitment, the good thing is that I love practicing my English skills and the language has entirely changed my life and I'll never stop getting better at speaking English. Thanks a lot after all. ❤😊

  2. The content of dialogues is very good. As for their voisovers, the features of cartoon genre imprede the development of oral speech understanding. I guess it would be better to have less nasal twang in the speech of the actors.

  3. Good video but I'm confused about how to have skills like them 😭 because I don't have friends who speak fluent English

  4. Et si vous pouviez aussi ajouter la ponctuation : virgule, point- virgule, ça serait bien et ça permettrait de prendre la respiration, et ça aiderait également à mieux comprendre la phrase !

  5. Bonjour, un peu de français pour vous …😊😅 , Please, avec les SOUS-TITRES EN FRANCAIS , ça serait très bien ! 🎉 merci beaucoup🦋🙏🌹🙋

  6. Thank you for your goood quality english contents. It help me a lot. ❤ I'm enjoy your contents. Thanks again

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