
Dumb Criminal Steals Truck He Can’t Drive


Dumb Criminal Steals Truck He Can’t Drive

#Dumb #Criminal #Steals #Truck #Drive

In this video I discuss a hilarious story out of Houston where a criminal carjacks an Amazon truck driver despite the fact that he can’t drive one. It goes about as expected

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criminal law , Dumb Criminal Steals Truck He Can’t Drive, Actual,Justice,Iamsean90,Sean,AJWSean,AJW,Houston,Houston Carjacking,Houston Carjacker Can’t Drive,Amazon Truck stolen,Amazon Truck,Man Steals Amazon Truck And Asks For Instructions,Carjacker Can’t Drive,Dumb Criminal,Dumb Crime,Dumbest Criminal Ever,Crime Fail,Criminal Fails,Car Thief Fails,Car Thief Can’t Drive,Car Thief Fails At Driving

41 thoughts on “Dumb Criminal Steals Truck He Can’t Drive”

  1. Amazon vans have a GPS tracker ,that van is a EV and it was dark out so it was the end of the day the van was empty, and could not have had much of a charge left. So if you want to jack a Amazon van do it early in the day. LOL

  2. Weird, they just deleted my comment about the 13 year old "teens" who took a minivan by force from a local preacher but couldn't figure out how to start it and gave him his keys back to start it for them. I included a link to the story, I think that did it. God forbid we show "them" committing crime.

  3. I drive thoae edvs for amazon. And the weird thing about this is. You cant drive those without the key on your person. Sometimes it even makes you physically display the key to drive if it cant sense it properly. So this person must have also strong armed the driver and or the driver was retarded and left it in the van.
    Edit: i commented about the strongarm before watching the full video. Ive seen this before just lacked that context

  4. It's idiot carjackers like these who make me glad I drive a manual, because most of them probably wouldn't be able to drive stick either.

  5. Guy tried to steal my UPS, he pulled a knife on me and since I couldn't carry my pistol even though I have my conceal and carry, I have everything the company says I can have. I pepper sprayed homeboy with US Army MP pepper spray once he wad on ground had bean bag shooter and dude had lunged at me and I thought hope this thing work's and was aiming center mass but it hit in his big beer gut and ricochet imo his nuts. I had em zip tied and rolled over on his back checked his Airways and a crowd was gathering by that timE and it was getting around and most was laughing at dude and one lady goes what can brown do for u? One guy said whip your ass without a gun!

  6. That whole food desert thing is bullshit. No matter where you are in any city, it's never more than a few miles at most to a supermarket. You have one closer to you than people living in the suburbs.

  7. I work for Amazon the best part is when the sliding door opens i can see there are NO More packages in the back so he stole a van only to leave fingerprints

  8. The irony is you don't need any kind of qualifications to drice these vans and in fact they design them to drive as much like a passenger vehicle as possible to make them easier to operate. So this dude arguably couldn't drive a Kia let alone a cargo van.

  9. Customer service for delivery company here. I can tell you right now, everyone whose package was delayed by these incidents blames Amazon for their delay and is 100% not understanding or sympathetic towards the drivers that got robbed at gun point because all they care about is their packages that they've been waiting 3 days for

  10. I just noticed in that quote that Jessica said the criminals are "stealing to get groceries and get to work".

    Sean you not giving Jessia her proper due for that "get to work" comment.

  11. What's becoming a big problem is people robbing postal workers for their master key. Which unlocks every single postal box.

  12. How dare them!! How could the seat belt makers not provide a "How to" video instruction on how to put the seat belt on..white supremacy at its finest

  13. No mention the thief was not smart enough to jack a van at the beginning of the shift? The empty van got me the most. Like what would the point have been even if he did get away?

  14. Best anti theft system is air brakes and a manual transmission. They are so dumb that they would not know how to unlock the air brakes or drive a stick.

  15. what a moron for this thief. I have driven bigger and these vans aren't bad to drive. Now this being said you can't drive like you would a car as it will result in flipping and other accidents as these vehicles are notorious for sliding and flipping due to the higher height and the center of gravity plus the fact that many of these vans are only rear wheel drive which isn't the same as the front wheel drive.

  16. Amazon driver's are mostly small business owner operators. This person might have been an entrepreneur who planned to use this Amazon truck to start his own business. He wouldn't have had to steal it if not for those greedy capitalist truck companies.

  17. How many Amazon drivers are watching this video?
    How many are watching it while they’re driving these vans?

  18. 2:12 you forgot to tell me i would find this woman attractive…so i'm just here in your comments to tell you i find her attractive! lift your game AJW!

  19. Thats so weird, why would cars, materials, food and gas cost so much right now? We know it isnt inflation because the experts have confirmed that we are in the best economic times ever.

  20. So you should call the cops if the packages stolen are on company property but not if it is stolen from a residence…

  21. Wow…theyre literally banning the use of the word joggers on its own now. Try it…itll be deleted in 20 seconds.

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