
Drone Warfare & The Disregard For War Crimes, Can You Surrender? – International Criminal Lawyer


Drone Warfare & The Disregard For War Crimes, Can You Surrender? – International Criminal Lawyer

#Drone #Warfare #Disregard #War #Crimes #Surrender #International #Criminal #Lawyer

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well, Today we talk about the Russia’s winter offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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43 thoughts on “Drone Warfare & The Disregard For War Crimes, Can You Surrender? – International Criminal Lawyer”

  1. Naw, b/c combatants can simply feign injury and get spared. There’s no way you can surrender to a drone properly in a lot of scenarios

  2. 7:25 in Normandy in WW2, I've read about many instances of surrendered german troops being executed by paratroopers as there was no way to get them back to allied lines.

  3. I can’t watch this bull… you taking about. When nobody respects Geneva Convention and UN BULL… Those organisms are just bunch of bureaucracies ass..halls and you are one of them 😩

  4. It's a copy cat mentality… If Ukraine kill unarmed injured combatants, then the Russians will do the same. Days of Gentlemen's agreements are long over. It's now a dog eat dog world unfortunately.

  5. Another point, most drone operators are properly young guys and just a video game to them. This discussion is by 30-year-old plus west country lads who have never live in Ukraine or Russia and so have zip idea how they think and live.
    The drone operators i feel from both side don't care and the sun will rise tomorrow, and another drone day will start for both sides.

  6. Rules of war?… the most stupid thing humans have ever tried to invent. Somebody invades my city i will follow no rules.

  7. So what I heard was “Glen is an international criminal”
    …..and the “ lawyer “ bit just didn’t seem to kick in for a moment. Well I’m glad he’s not the latter only 😂😂

  8. Willy, it would be interesting, while on this topic – what would your opinions on David Mcbride be? And Julian Assange as an Australian citizen?

  9. It is a war crime, but because Ukraine is being perceived as the 'good guys' and the only people who really care about war crimes is the west its being ignored because its being done against Russia.

  10. 7:28 It's a killing Dron that knows no man. All it does is the commands it was issued to execute. The United States has been using it for a long time too which of course, has killed millions of innocent unarmed people. Iraq 🇮🇶, Lybia, and so on

  11. This is so fucking disgraceful that we are even discussing this if its a war crime or not, just shows that as humans we haven’t evolved to far as animals.

    Anyone with a morale compass would know these are war crimes and Ukraine has to prosecute these incidents, just as Russia has too

  12. Willy sees the war crime laws and convention as an actual tool for the welfare of soldiers and civilians and humanity. The other bloke sees it as a tool to win wars to use at convenience depending on context.

  13. Where is Zelinskys son?? Why isnt he forced to go to the military when ukraine is rouding up and forcing other men to enlist?

  14. The Russians released a video of one of their FPV drones slamming into the front of a house. There was a family living there and a couple of them were walking out the front with their pet dog. They thought what they'd recorded was some good work though it was obviously a war crime as no one was armed or in uniform. As far as Ukraine using them though, the way I look at it is that if someone comes at you with a knife then defending yourself with one if that is what is required is fair. Dropping a frag or blast grenade on a guy who is obviously incapacitated and looks like he is trying to show he has nothing in his hands is just wrong though. Ukraine using AP mines though is fair given that Russia has been using them since day 1 including in civilian areas they pulled back from. The Ukrainians would have done better to no blow up the incapacitated guy though. In all likelihood he wouldn't be going back to fight and would be a drain on the Russian state while he is rehabilitated which could take years. Ukraine also very publicly broadcast the incident last winter where the Russian solider surrendered to the drone and was led back to Ukrainian forward positions and was taken into captivity.

  15. Legality aside, it sucks to be smoked by some cheap drones controlled by a guy with joysticks hiding in some random basement.
    After all, drones or not, it’s much easier to smoke people who can’t run or fight back. We only gonna see more of it.

  16. I'm a former NATO soldier, served in french army for 10 years. These are textbook war crimes, both sides are doing it and it needs to stop. Whoever started it, I dont care. This should never happen.

    Sadly, it seems there is no supervision and no one seems to care.

    The arguments about "putting him pit of his misery" is total BS. You never know who could be saved or not. And even if a soldiers recovers and gets back in the fight later, the rules are the rules.

    On a pragmatic ground, its a waste of ammo and a loss of intel. It makes the ennemy less likely to spare your own life and surrender to you…

  17. Do you think this sh*tty stuff has killed as many soldiers as the IDF has killed civilians in Gaza? Yeah, I know, banned for that asking one.

  18. Great story ? I'm sure ukraine is also guilty?. Isn't the western world guilty of there shit in Afghanistan? Or are we all still trying to out muscle sand c€€ns getting our ass kicked over 15 plus years and still no evidence😃. Wake up everyone. Who says the west rules?.

  19. At the end of the day, if you’re wounded or not you were still fighting ready to kill the opps so I mean surely it makes sense as horrible as it is to take those out saving you too because they will be going back on the front lines anyway!

  20. 100% with you guys on this. The drone executions of soldiers surrendering or injured and no longer combatants is appalling.

  21. No Bro U R WATCHING UKRAINE TELEGRAF CHANNELS thats why u see more Russians as victim, u r not stupid but the problem is u r Too Biased ….

  22. Can you surrender to an artillery shell or an aviation bomb? Can you even surrender if you are in a meatwave attack facing your enemy soldiers?
    You have to be in a certain position to be able to surrender. Just being seen by your enemy will not be enough. Innocent people die in a war and people who mean no harm to you will be among the victims. That is a terrrible reality of war from the beginning of times.

    Don't start pretending it is a totally new thing

  23. It just a very deep Rabbit Hole i feel. Each person's rabbit hole is very different from the person next to them.

  24. Dear Willy, I look at you and am glad that there are still people with faith in the law! On the other hand, I am amazed at the naivety. There is a saying in Russia: War will write off everything! Do you think there will be any trial? I don't think this will happen! Russia will win and history will be written by the victors, do you understand all this international tension? Russia will not follow the Hague verdicts and court decisions! Frankly speaking, we Russians have no faith in Western justice, so Russia doesn’t care what lawyers say! By the way, ask how many cases the DPR sent to The Hague – it’s about 5,000-odd cases and the worst thing is that the international community simply didn’t give a damn on ordinary people, at a time when people were praying for justice, and now no one cares about international laws!!!

  25. It reminds me of a situation where a pilot hangs on a parachute to land in no man's land. Is he a legitimate target or not.

  26. Willie is a typical Western propagandist, albeit smarter. Willie, if you say that

    there are more videos with the fact that Ukrainians are finishing off defenseless people, it’s just that the Russians have significantly more losses, can you Willie provide the facts of this? You are a real journalist and are based on facts when you state something?

    I have a different point of view, based on facts, that Ukrainians are finishing off defenseless people is a consequence of a policy that not only does not condemn this, but even encourages it.
    p.s. Is deleting comments a vaunted Western democracy?

  27. Это конечно хорошо, соблюдать правила, договоренности и т.д. Вот вам реальный случай из херсонской области – бабушка лет 70 дала парного отравленного молока нашим парням, после чего 7 из них умерло. На мой взгляд после такого её следовало убить, но командование решило её сдать военной полиции. Был один дед, который наводил артиллерию противника на наши штабы (Узнали об этом когда изъяли телефон и посмотрели его СМС). Тоже отдали его военной полиции. Украинские дроны постоянно скидывали ВОГи на группу эвакуации (5 пехотинцев, 4 несут носилки и 1 раненый), артиллерия обстреливала перекресток где мы собирали раненых для эвакуации, 155мм снаряд попал прямо в капонир 17 раненых парней ждущих БТР на эвакуацию погибло. Когда мы штурмовали окопы, то уже знали как Украина ведет войну. Глядя на видео где кто-то расстреливает сдающихся нужно понимать что было перед этим, нужно учитывать что почти у каждого на груди есть граната с разогнутой скобой. Также учитывайте что штурм идет малыми группами, кто будет вести пленных или присматривать за ними. Каждый решает за себя – хочешь рискнуть своей жизнью и жизнью товарищей в красной зоне или закончить боевую задачу.

  28. And isn't it easier to just not kill each other, negotiate, find a permanent peaceful solution, than try and navigate the legal do and don'ts on what to do in these crazy impossible situations?

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