
Dr. Phil Investigates Trump’s Forgotten Jury in His New York Criminal Trial | Dr. Phil Primetime


Dr. Phil Investigates Trump’s Forgotten Jury in His New York Criminal Trial | Dr. Phil Primetime

#Phil #Investigates #Trumps #Forgotten #Jury #York #Criminal #Trial #Phil #Primetime

President Trump’s fate is in the hands of 12 regular people. Who are they, how will each of them impact the case? Dr. Phil uses 15 years of trial science expertise to break down how this trial won’t be tried in the courtroom, but in the jury room.

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criminal lawyer , Dr. Phil Investigates Trump’s Forgotten Jury in His New York Criminal Trial | Dr. Phil Primetime, donald trump,hush money trial,legal proceedings,campaign finance violations,court case,legal drama,controversy,payments,Stormy Daniels,Karen McDougal,scandal,presidential scandals,legal defense,bribery allegations,legal battles,courtroom showdown,dr phil,dr. phil primetime,dr. phil,dr phil primetime,dr phil primetime on msm,merit street media,msm,dr phil primetime msm,dr phil primetime merit street media,p5h5i5l5,d4r4 p4h4i4l4,m3r1t $t6e3t m3d1a,m$m

47 thoughts on “Dr. Phil Investigates Trump’s Forgotten Jury in His New York Criminal Trial | Dr. Phil Primetime”

  1. Every one of these officials has got court cases going against Trump said they are going to get Trump when they've been elected there's a pattern here Tell you all these cases are both mogus

  2. i wonder just how biased they are against him. who do i loath? biden. i would gladly serve on that jury, MR. trump your innocent, dismissed

  3. Look at what they are doing to that poor man, and he is so strong and is determined to fight for Our Country. We ALL KNOW they said they would destroy us from within and it is EXACTLY what they are trying to do. it all started when Obama came in office/ all the hate/division etc. this REALLY needs to stop. and we can not lose our Country because of some criminal Democrats. TRUMP 2024 EVEN if they put him in prison.

  4. Wait till he is convicted. There is nothing here, but he will be found guilty. Stitch up.

    But when Trump wins. Oh, the Dem crime gang are toast. Hilary buying russian hoax documents, the big guy bribes, the big guys son gun and drugs, insider trading……

  5. Trump 2024 it's a shame what is going on in America. The current president should be on trial.

  6. You can bet it won't be a fair trial. We know the judges in charge of these courts will do anything to get Trump. Fani and Latitia good examples of that. So, so corrupt!

  7. If Trumps on charges, the Bidens should be in jail and all those charging him! Mainstream media is bought and sold by the deep state, and their reporters therefore bribed to go whatever way the deep state wish. The court's sadly are also bribed. Sad state of affairs for the future of humanity. Vote Trump, our only pathway to keeping what freedom we have left. The lefts true agenda is Communism.

  8. Isn't the questionnaires inquiry about group associations a violation of a jurors right of association?
    Realizing that they're not being prohibited from associating with those groups. But should they be denied or approved as a juror based on that association, which is their right under the first amendment?

  9. I'm sorry, Dr. Phil. But the president would NOT have to serve behind bars anywhere. He's out. What he says, GOES! He would not be serving. What makes you think that his administration would NOT remove him from any prison let alone let him be placed behind bars? Let's look at this from a Las Vegas point of view. What would you bet on? The power of any president is absolute and those under him will follow orders. You can't keep him behind any bars while being a president. While this would be interesting to see this go through to see what would happen, it should never happen and I hope it never does. However, if it ever did he would not be behind any bars while serving as president. No state would ever have the power to hold down any EXECUTIVE of the federal branch of government. Good luck! All it takes is one hold-out to not vote to convict. He walks. Hope for the one.

  10. I think if they somehow convict him of anything that's pretty much all bulshit I believe his supporters are going to show you something that you have never seen in the United States before.

  11. Its basically communism. Banana Republic. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

  12. He won’t get a fair trial if it goes that far this jury is already tainted against him. this isn’t an even fraud case this is a personal case, if even true does not belong in a court.

  13. If you don’t vote for Trump you’re not American! I said it it had to be said.

  14. A few specific nations want a civil war in the USA, and they have bribed 90% of Democrat politicians and 60% of Republican politicians. That is what's happening. As long as a "yes" man is elected, it doesn't matter which party he belongs to.

    Every once in a great while we the people elect an independent thinker who looks at things more like we do and cannot be bribed. Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump have been those independent thinkers. Each of them has been attacked in one way or another.

    We should always vote for the independent thinker. The one who can't be bribed by foreign interests. The one who puts the USA first instead of putting foreign interests with the biggest pocketbooks first.

  15. Isnt that convenient "4 years in prison". These trials are making a total mockery of our entire judicial system.

  16. It’s sad Trump will be found guilty no matter what. It’s all about the Crime Family and its partners

  17. We knew about Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, grab'em by the p…y, and his 3 marriages back in 2015 and we still voted for him in 2016. This is scary what they are doing to interfere in another US election.

  18. Letitia James in the Real Estate Fraud case also ran that if elected she too would get Trump. Look how that crooked judge and crooked James got Trump.

  19. Dr. Phil did you know this about Alvin Bragg.

    1. He is funded by George Soros
    2. When he was running for this DA office he lied about his childhood and where he grew up. He said he was a poor black boy that grew up in poverty in Harlem and often had police holding guns to his head.
    However he didn’t grow up poor nor in Harlem. He grew up in a gated Brownstone community in a million dollar home and he went to the finest of private schools.
    So to me Bragg should of been removed from office for his lies to get ppl to feel sorry for him as a rags to riches story.

    Did you know that the judge in this case, his daughter has made $40 plus million so far from this Trump Case.

    Now we have a jury where some admitted they don’t like Trump but can be impartial. I call bs on that. This isn’t favouring Trump and think his lawyers have let him down big time.

    Pray for DJT-no way he can get a fair trial here.

  20. Disregard everything about the Trump witch hunt, look at facts and you will be one in millions that get Trump re-elected as he should be. By the way. What about the Biden crime family, the obama crime family, the Clinton crime family and all of their staff!!!!

  21. As an ex-immigrant and former Biden supporter, I will be voting for Trump this year. Yall gotta wake up! Trump is NOT racist. You just gotta do your own research rather than let people indoctrinate you

  22. Good vs Evil! We need to pray for America and rest of the whole world. Watching from a small pacific Island, it is so sad seeing the world in turmoil.

  23. We all know that Trump can not get a fair trial in any blue state. Not in New York, not in Georgia and definitely not in Washington DC.
    The American Justice system is weaponized now, it’s immensely corrupted.
    They changed the statute of limitations just for this case.
    It’s immensely disturbing…
    Too bad you weren’t hired by the Trump team for jury selection Dr. Phil.
    This judge Merchon is a Soros funded hack. His daughter is making millions off this Trump case…
    There only needs to be a perception of bias and there is a lot more than just a perception here.

  24. It’s pretty sad that this is the only way the left can win an election. They keep screaming about democracy. 😂
    Nothing screams democracy more than dismissing Supreme Court decisions, having wide open borders, weaponizing our federal government against its own citizens, faking fisa warrants to achieve your illegal searches, and jailing your political opponents.

  25. This trial is no different than anyone else's, you're either guilty or not based on facts! I'm sure we know how to pick a jury without eavesdropping and pandering to the Jury, they just need to know the facts! That's how it works! 12 people with common sense will declare the verdict based on FACTS presented from both sides!

  26. Trump convicted could do a better job as president behind bars than bumbling free Joe Biden.

  27. It will not make a difference if the Jury is set to say guilty Dems will make sure they will all be anti Trump! They always block the REP from being part of the decision making.

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