
Douglas Murray EMBARASSES Woke Lawyer on SLAVERY, Leaving Her Speechless!


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Douglas Murray Thoroughly EMBARASSES Woke Lawyer, Leaving Her Speechless!

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41 thoughts on “Douglas Murray EMBARASSES Woke Lawyer on SLAVERY, Leaving Her Speechless!”

  1. Paula needs to check the true history of slavery. Will she expect apologies from all African officials for their ancestors who captured fellow Africans to be enslaved and sold to Europeans?

    Rob Schneider said it best: “In CA it has gone at a committee to approve slave reparations to be paid to people that were never slaves, to be paid for people that never owned slaves, in a state that never had slaves. That’s like paying child support for a child you never had to a woman you never f*#&ed”.

    NO ONE owes any apology for atrocities, they did not commit, to anyone that did not endure those atrocities.

  2. You know I clicked on your podcast because I like Murray… But then your face started running his mouth and I couldn't even stand waiting for Murray to talk little advice shut your knicker mouth

  3. What frustrates me most about this debate is that we were closer to a racial-neutral society 20 years ago than we are now. The desire to keep the victimization active is only creating greater divides and resentment. How far back do we want to go? And I still do not understand what she believes we need to learn that we have not already been berated every day of the week and how many more apologies that have already been given – it seems to me, there is a certain percentage of people that will never be satisfied, so what exactly do they want? Forgiveness is the only solution as far as I can tell, especially since we cannot fix evils of the past. Be the better person and lead by example. Nobody ever said we should cover up the past. Free yourself of hate.

  4. She suffered so badly she's a lawyer. Well good for her. My taxes paid for her education and I want a refund as she doesn't seem to have learned much. Her smug condescending attitude is because she thinks as a black woman she is more virtuous than white people and she can't be wrong because that would be rac ist

  5. I am well aware that "wokeness" is a crazy thing that people like to make fun of, including myself. I live in Norfolk VA which is a 40% African American population. In Norfolk, there are black communities I wish I could afford to live in. The mayor and half the city council are African American. And yet, the black on black murder rate ( and crime rate ) is as bad as anywhere in the country. WHY ?? Can anybody here explain that ? If you can tell me, please do so !

  6. I don't owe an apology for what my ancestors did, I don't care who says otherwise. I apologize if I wrong somebody, I don't apologize for what other's do or have done.
    I am obviously white, and I can honestly say I have never do wrong to a black person in my life.
    I allowed a black woman and her daughter to live with my family for 5 years and fully supported them.
    She remains 1 of our closest friends to this day. So I would love for somebody to tell me I owe an apology for slavery! I had nothing to with it and I will never apologize for it


  8. It was only a very, very small amount of people who had slaves. Some of them were black, so no.

  9. The one thing so many people on the street when asked don't know, was that white people didn't go to Africa and take people as slaves, the Nigerians and in the Niger Valley , the leaders there who were black sold their own people to the Muslims, who ran the slave trade, and its where a slang word comes from, because Niger is a French colony, its pronounced different , when they came to the US shores in hillbilly English, the word Niger a country which was written as the location they came from, turned into a ugly word…and were it was born.

  10. Im so glad i found your channel. Thank you for sharing so much information. I have been binge watching your channel this afternoon. May God bless you sweetheart ❤️❤️

  11. Juneteenth is a different celebration and I don't like people who minimize it or more particularly Independence Day for their own political (if not financial) ends. Juneteenth should be about celebrating the end of slavery rather than a way to keep victim-hood and racism alive.

  12. She says “How do you learn from your failures if you don’t know what you did wrong?” Who are these people who are unaware that slavery happened in the west and that it was horribly wrong? I’m pretty sure that’s common sense knowledge across the population, not a revelation that needs to be made to enlighten everybody. Bringing up centuries old sins just further divides us when we desperately need to unify as a society.

  13. “Someone” somewhere wants to Divide us … keep us arguing amongst ourselves so they can be changing laws while we’re not looking. Taking our rights away one law at a time.

  14. It’s ridiculous, my family wasn’t even in the US during slavery, but since my skin is white I need to apologize? Bahaha nope!

  15. Is anyone going to bring up that those that are demanding an apology have slave owners in their family history? The whole argument is dumb as hell. No one today needs to hold a grudge or give an apology. We are ALL lucky to be in the US. We could have been born somewhere else where we don't have to make up issues because there are plenty of real issues.

  16. :30 into another video of yours I decided to try another one that looked interesting.

    instant subscriber.
    fresh breath of air my brother

    where's MY America?
    I'm only 55 and MY America I love is dying!

  17. It's a wonder the black woman doesn't say it was a mistake for black people to come to this country because of the racism. She would never say that. Bottom line is. Where would she be without the white man. ? Living in a shack, in Jamaica or Africa !!

  18. Hey man. I think great dude and I like your channel. Keep exposing the cancerous ideology of the left.

  19. Just one thing she keeps saying we need to learn from it we already did that with slavery that's why it was ended hello people

  20. I am so sick and tired of black people thinking they were the only ones enslaved! Every race has experienced slavery at some point through out human history! Wooo wooo your race just happen to be the most recent that suffered mass slavery. If history is a teacher of the future your race will not be the last race to be mass enslaved. Furthermore until the black race confronts the ancestors of those that sold them that still live in Africa i do not want to hear shit! In my family history there are slave owners and go back far enough there are slaves! It was part of the non-modern world at large and it was happening all over to all races and religious groups! Get over yourselves there is nothing special about you! You are owed nothing just like anyone else.

  21. No. She wants paid for past black people who were slaves, she actually thinks she's going to be financially compensated for that 😂😂😂what a dump road to go down. What about all the white people who were stolen from their families ( by black people) for slaves.

  22. Yes, England outlawed slavery first. BUT, the British Navy protected slave ships & used the British poor as slaves. The British even had those in debt's children working in coal mines & indentured servants around the home/farm. So, to me England isn't out of the woods on slavery.

  23. All civilizations have had slavery unfortunately. Everyone should watch Candace Owens addressing slavery from Prager University. The blacks in Africa were selling the lower class to many countries for money or trade items. There were also black slave owners in America. The past is gone. We are all Americans. The only race problem in America now is being propagandized by the democrats. Their tactic is divide and conquer. We all need to stand together to save our country from their elite socialist regime. TRUMP NOW!!!!!

  24. Its absolute nonsense to ask someone to apologize for something they didn’t know about or do!!! I’m an African and my great great father sold slaves so does that mean that I owe those families that were affected an apology even though they’re dead hundreds of years ago absolutely NO!!! That woman should be great full that someone paid the price for her to be born in the UK and living a great life. My question to her is what has she done to help Africans and Africa.

  25. I laugh at the reparations argument and those who promote it. Weakest sauce on the planet by some of the weakest minds.

  26. 7:52 – (Me in an english accent) So the endgame is for white people to feel really bad and for non-white people to get repurations and other kinds of free money…

  27. Do the Africans who captured their own countrymen and sold them into slavery owe the same apology? Why isn't any blame placed there? Americans, of all colors, are just that, at this point, AMERICANS. Choose your own path in America 🇺🇸 or follow your roots back to Africa and place the fault where it originated, AFRICA. White people did not run around Africa capturing slaves. What about the white people who fought to end slavery, do they get thanked by 'African ' Americans 🇺🇸. Just because your skin is a lighter color doesn't mean you took part in slavery. Either become an American 🇺🇸 or wallow in your wokeness. My grandparents escaped Germany and Hitler, where is my apology and reparations? Grow up!!!!

  28. It is being pushed by the left. In America 100 percent of blacks in the early government were Republicans. You will be hard pressed to find a real conservative who isn't a huge fan of Thomas Sowell. The racists have ALWAYS been on the left. ALWAYS. It wasn't until the 60's and after that people forgot this and why it was the case to begin with. Democrats can't talk about historical blacks for this very reason. Because they are all republicans. That's why they have to rewrite history. To make them the hero and the republicans the villains when in reality its the complete opposite.

  29. Slavery still exists today, everyone is too focused on the past to actually fixing the present slavery. It's easy to say things that happened in the past hurts me but yet, we don't care about what is happening today. Everyone is talking about the past and not the present. We will all be the downfall of the future because we want to fix the past but refuse to fix what is happening today. We care to much about the past. We can't even fix the basic bad things that happen today. People not having family, clean water, food, electricity, homes, good education and a normal paying job. It's crazy, God is missing in our lives, we have replaced Him with the politicians and brainwash that is fed to us.

  30. If the tables were turned. , do you think the blacks would risk their life and limbs to free Whooight people. ?
    Asking for a friend .

  31. Bro you have no idea how much respect I have for you. Pure Truth on this channel. So impressed and a breath of fresh air!!!!!! God bless

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