
Don’t Win A Christmas Tree Throwing Contest If You’re Claiming Disability!


Don’t Win A Christmas Tree Throwing Contest If You’re Claiming Disability!

#Dont #Win #Christmas #Tree #Throwing #Contest #Youre #Claiming #Disability

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35 thoughts on “Don’t Win A Christmas Tree Throwing Contest If You’re Claiming Disability!”

  1. Yeah, you can't just tell obvious lies in court when your own social media postings proof otherwise.

    …unless you are Donald Trump. Im that case you can even attack the daughter of the judge and whine about being a victim when the judge tells you to stop doing that

  2. Odd that the lawsuit was in Sterling when this took place in the Republic of Ireland, which uses Euros… 🤔

  3. Considering the amount of nitwits that record themselves committing crimes, I'm sure using Social Media has given quite a few attorneys an edge that makes defense council want to pull their hair out.

  4. This has to be the only time I have ever heard of a photo like this used in a way that sounds justifiable in lawsuit. Usually I hear about photos from social media used to argue that anything the victim did is proof they are doing fine.

    Did the victim need extreme expensive surgery following their injury? Well here is one photo of them walking their dog so clearly they don't need the money.

    After all as we all know people can't push through extreme pain to live their lives. They just lay around paying other people to do everything for them with the money they don't have or need.

  5. Ha, similar to Doug Sharp's shorts that starts with "mobster on the run fro 20 years" and "Mafia Hitman found in France".

  6. A friend of friend is a nurse who later helped attorneys investigating workman's comp cases.

    She ultimately became a private inestigator (with enough long range camera equipment to give any paparazzi wet dreams).

    Sooner or later a faker is gonna haul out a trash can, push a lawnmower, or carry heavy grocery bags from the car.

    Nobody fakes an injury forever. People who willing to lie for easy money want an easy life. They just don't have the intestinal fortitude to keep it up for the long haul.

    They all — ALL — eventually slip up.

  7. I don't know why, but your shorts aren't coming up on my subscribed feed. Sometimes they'll come up on the 'home' page as a suggested video but never where they should with my other subscribed channels

  8. This makes me super angry. This is why insurance companies even have a leg to stand on calling people out for lying about being disabled. My father in law had a multi-hundred pound picnic table dropped on his neck. It didn't paralyze him, but it cause MANY serious physical issues which he received surgery after surgery, treatment after treatment for. It took 20 years for him to get back enough function to go back to work. The insurance/workers comp company HOUNDED him. Stalked him. Tried to deny him any workers comp he was owed.

  9. The crazy thing to me is which cases the insurers decide to audit. I've seen people with really shady sounding injury claims sit at home for months, and investigators check up on injuries with no lost time

  10. That is really interesting, another example of how people can use social media to their advantage or their detriment.

    I had a weird back injury that led to an inability to do my normal jobs, or stand straight or walk, or sit… It ended up involving overlapping discs and pinched nerves. Once the inflammation settled down the main things I couldn't do were lie flat or sit at a right angle. I ended up changing career paths to find something that did not involve sitting, and while some days I could barely walk, once I used heat, did an hour walk, an hour of targetted muscle strengthening to support the joints that had instability, followed by an hour of stretching I was able to go to some forms of dance and fitness classes and lift some heavy item done with care at the correct angle. The one thing I really couldn't do was sitting for any prolonged time without being in excruciating back and leg pain.

    It's strange how different injuries can work in terms of whether rest or activity helps/hurts. Especially with the different stages of injury and whether or not the tissues affected are contractile fibres.

  11. I loved the day a disability judge told me "You could get a job, your condition would prevent you from Keeping one, but you could get hired. the law say unable to get a job and you could. disability denied" I feel like that was not the rules as intended… but I don't really use social media the very limited i did mostly consisted of rants about being in pain and having to stay home and not do things I would rather have done. social media is is no fun if all your selfies would just be you in bed in the dark >.<

  12. While this example seems clear-cut because of the exact claims involved, it is scary to imagine a similar thing being used in other cases. It's bad enough that the average person doesn't understand disability. It's even worse how often DOCTORS don't.. but then getting the law involved? It's a mess.

  13. You can be too injured to work daily but also not too injured to do occasional activities. But if you're filling for disability you had better pretend you can't move ever because the concept of having intermittent symptoms seems to be too confusing for most people.

  14. I have a bad back and could toss that tree without any problem. Not that I would. However, if I need to lean over for more than 30 seconds the pain becomes extreme.
    Also, a few times a year I will have these MASSIVE back pains that come out of nowhere that are so bad I have to stay in bed or sitting for days on end.
    So, it's possible she isn't necessarily faking. That said, I'm not going around saying I'm owed 600k+.

  15. I had a client who was a private detective, and he told me 90% of his cases were insurance fraud investigations, and the other 10% were jealous spouses looking for divorceable behavior.

  16. I think it's possible that she wasn't lying. It's possible to push through pain to throw a Christmas tree for one moment, and not be able to maintain that level of pain for an hour so that you can sit in a chair for your job.

  17. That’s interesting. What about disabled athletes? I presume that they never claim disability pay because they can earn money from their sports? I’m just curious

  18. I had a lawyer for an insurance company try to use my social media to prove I wasn't injured.

    The best they got was "you went to the movies with friends 2 weeks after your accident"

    My lawyer and me were both like, "you can watch a movie while injured" lol

  19. Reporting on something that happened in the Republic to a mostly US audience yet quoting a figure in UK currency. An odd choice Devin.

  20. This! This is why my wife, that is in a wheelchair 75% of the time and will dislocated hold her joints by jumping 6" off the ground, has such a hard time getting disability and insurance approval. I know that is England, but the same garbage in America. There are a lot of ways that people are the same no matter where you go, it's just sad that people being terrible, given half a chance, is one of them.

  21. I have a disability that we don't have any good treatments for, but a main part of the existing treatment is doing lots of sport. So on some days you can find me walking, running, hiking, or swimming – even though I'm in constant pain. On other days, I'm in too much pain or too weak to even make myself a meal, let alone go to work. I'm literally typing this comment from my bed because this is one of those days. Luckily I managed to find a job which pays well enough for my part time work for me to get by. But thinking that because someone tries to improve their function, that they're not disabled and can work fine – is just plain wrong.

  22. Speaking of Christmas trees, I would love for you to review the legal issues in the very slow-moving, slightly cheesy but strangely emotionally moving film “The Rooftop Christmas tree” where an old man has a habit of putting his Christmas tree on his rooftop – and he is arrested for refusing to take it down. Would that really happen? If so, would the legal defence in the movie work? Inquiring minds want to know!

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