
Don’t Make the Same Mistake as My Client… 🤐😅


Don’t Make the Same Mistake as My Client… 🤐😅

#Dont #Mistake #Client..

If a cop ever shows up to your door and tells you that you’ll seem guilty if you don’t talk to them, DON’T fall for it!

This is a common tactic that police are taught so they can get information from people. The truth is, innocent people often have the hardest time in these situations because they have no idea what they’re being confronted with. It is not your responsibility to prove you’re innocent of something to the cops. So, I suggest keeping the door closed and say through it, “I am evoking my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. I am not answering this door.”
criminal lawyer , Don’t Make the Same Mistake as My Client… 🤐😅, 5th amendment,attorney reacts,attorney tips,fifth amendment,know your rights,lawyer reacts,lawyer tips,police tips,right to remain silent

37 thoughts on “Don’t Make the Same Mistake as My Client… 🤐😅”

  1. How many innocent individuals have been on Death row or Serving Long Prison Sentences and their Lives have been Destroyed, Listen!

  2. When one cop arrests another cop, the first thing the arresting officer says to the other cop is to "keep your mouth shut!"

  3. Myself personally if a law enforcement officer knocked at my door first thing I would say is I invoke my fifth amendment if you have a warrant you would have broken by now I do not speak with law enforcement without an attorney present you are now trespassing on private property do you have a warrant if not your trespassing everybody should be aware of the fact if a police have a either a arrest warrant for you or a search warrant for you they will break down your door if I'm wrong could somebody please explain to me anything better to say in the comment section I would appreciate it you can never learn for have too much knowledge

  4. Your guilty at the street level when police approach you. Everything they do or say is a method to get info to arrest or fine you. Let them know that you are using or 5th and 6th amendment rights. If don’t call them by the numbers they will try to get you to talk. Unless there is a visible warrant don’t open the door, never

  5. But when you neighbour calls in verbal argument as a domestic battle and the cops show up, they are not about to leave without talking to somebody.
    Had this scenario happen several times as my wife is pure Irish fire ☘️ 🔥

  6. Like all things with the police, it's an assertion of dominance. They're challenging you. They're saying you're a good guy and I know you want to clear this up so It's a challenge to your integrity. But don't fall for any of the stuff. The one rule you have to remember at all times is the police are not your friends. You were indoctrinated to believe this in school and through TV shows while growing up. But they're really worse than criminals. You have an honest relationship with a criminal. A criminal wants to take something from you and you want them not to have it. That's an honest relationship. Where are a cop wants to forcibly take money through you with taxes, well also wanting you to think of them as heroes, well they also demand that you lose your dignity and humble yourself while you're in their presence, while they also do not care about you as a human being because you were just a stepping stone… A number of tickets that needs to be issued before the next promotion.

  7. I confess, I wimped out (about 15 years ago)…
    2:00 am, door being beaten so hard that the house shook. 5 black vehicles, 1 sheriff car, all doors and windows being covered by armed individuals (also some long guns being toted).
    "Do I grab my 2A gear? No Way! I figured they brought more muscle than I had and I will survive if I just comply." I did not demand a warrant, but did get get their agreement when I said "only two of you may enter". They were looking for a felon who faked my address and they thought he lived there. I took the opportunity to show my two house guests the Eagle Scout plaques on the wall from my 3 sons, taught some religion and invited them to church.
    The two left as they said to the crew outside, "Take this address off the list".

  8. I don’t open my door to a home invasion for anybody especially at night! I don’t care who they say they are you do business during the day!

  9. I heard that innocent bull shit before, I at my parents kitchen table when I had this feeling some was in front of me. I looked up asked the cop how did he get in I got no response to that but was asked how dare I let 3 innocent boys go to jail , I asked him to explain he said the 3 innocent boys said that I raped this 80 year old duck. Mmm I said let us see just how innocent the boys are . I asked how much money does a constable make a year .no reply ok I said we will push on, see if they are willing to buy their freedom & you keep the money, one boy became a major tyre retail manger another & his wife worked 40 years with nothing to show for those 40 years both earning good money & often wining money on the pokies at a local club . Me I was never arrested some time later I went to a lawyer who took notes. Just as he finally finished note taking another lawyer came in ask the fist lawyer if he's going out to lunch. The second lawyer looked at me than asked the first lawyer what going on the first lawyer asked if he had ever heard anything like this before. 2nd lawyer said he make inquiring at the cop shop about it. I never heard back from the lawyer ever.

  10. Thats not an answer to the question you asked. Do you have to right not to open your door for a warrantless cop?

  11. Nothing good happens when the psychopaths in clown suits show up demanding answers, never open the door, never talk to cops. Every one of them are ego tripping lying corrupt gutless cowards. Remember that when you think you need to talk.

  12. This is idiotic. If you don't communicate with the Police, nothing gets sorted out. You septics have rights but little understanding.

  13. This video disturbs me, Why does the Door open Outward?
    Why would you EVER open the Door to the Police?

    You can't force the door shut but you can remove the Cop from your porch by 2A defending yourself from an Unwanted Armed Intruder who is Continuing to Gain Entry into Your Home while Challenging and Threating the Home Owner!

  14. had cops pull up to my house after i'd gotten me and my daughter out of the car and were walking into the house. they said they had to ask me some questions, made me wait outside while my 4 year old was upstairs in the house so they could ask me about someone calling in my tag for some karen BS. I politely state i don't answer questions, and IMMEDIATELY the female officer accused me of being argumentative. She then said, "If you don't want to answer my questions i'm just gonna go write tickets right now". i said go for it. got one dismissed and the other one unfortunately i had to pay since i couldn't "PROOVE MY INNOCENCE". another time a cop pulled up behind me while i was parked and forced me to give him my ID under threat of arrest….knowing what i know now, i know it was a breach of the 4th.

  15. Officers should look at these comments. Most people don’t trust the police. STOP LYING and WEED OUT THE BAD COPS. Maybe people will start trusting you again.

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