
DON’T Let the ATF Trick You… 🔫 #gunrights


DON’T Let the ATF Trick You… 🔫 #gunrights

#DONT #ATF #Trick #You.. #gunrights

If the ATF or another officer comes knocking on your door, do you have to show them your firearms? The short answer: NO! 🙅‍♂️

This is a common misconception… You did not fill out any paperwork waiving your constitutional rights to become a firearm owner. No matter what an ATF agent of officer says, they do not have the right to see your firearms unless they show you a valid warrant for them specifically.

Believe it or not, some agents do come knocking on doors asking to see firearms. But, you do not have to comply and show them your personal property if they do not have a warrant.
criminal lawyer , DON’T Let the ATF Trick You… 🔫 #gunrights, ATF,attorney reacts,fort worth,fourth amendment,gun rights,lawyer life,lawyer reacts,right to privacy,second amendment

37 thoughts on “DON’T Let the ATF Trick You… 🔫 #gunrights”

  1. No warranty, no entry. Begone you gun vampire. May the power of the Constitution repel you, (and repeal your stupid laws as well).

  2. When thecNAZIs took power in 1933, the began confiscating weapons from citizens.
    Therefore, registering your weapons is nothing more than a rogue givernment coming to your home to get them. Thereby dismissi the 2nd amendment.

  3. An officer or ATF agent shows up at my door. They want to confirm I still own xyz gun/guns.
    I tell them, “not without a warrant” and shut the window I have spoken through. Then I call my attorney and explain the situation.

    If a cop doesn’t have exigent circumstances to be in my home, I’m not even opening the door. They can get a warrant as they should have already done, or they can bugger off.

  4. The 2nd amendment is not specific to gun's, it specifically says arm's. Can someone have a cruise missile? And why not?

  5. Imagine lumping american citizens with rights together with cartels. Thats how they think. Well if we dont regulate citizens than the criminal cartels we get away with it too. Does anyone actually buy that BS?😂 They call them cartels instead of terrorists so they can get the money the cartel makes under the table or on the back end while simultaneously calling American citizens "domestic terrorists" and completely revoking any of their rights under that label and revoking their right to self defense FROM THEM.

  6. ATF is not allowed to have such information, unless a trace has been initiated.
    Or most recently, if you purchased two or more on one background check, which is totally fu¢ked up.
    None of their business, period.

  7. if they have documentation that you've purchased firearms, get their names and inform them they are violation your 2nd and 4th amendment rights and will be calling a lawyer.
    be firm, be respectful and sue their butts off.

  8. If they don't have a warrant, the only response is to tell the m to respectfully go pound sand. If they have a valid warrant, they don't ask. They will just come in.

  9. Correct, and yes I want to Thank you. My Right is to say NO!!! To A.T.F. agents. Or call my constitution Sheriff to chase him away

  10. "Have a nice day. Get off my property." This kind of sh¡t is why a lot of folks buy from individuals instead of dealerships.
    Keep the government out of your personal business as much as possible, folks.

  11. Hitler did the same thing….. With Hitler they weren't called the ATF but they basically performed the exact same thing.

  12. Of course All the resources go to take guns away from TAXPAYERS
    And doing put the same efforts in fighting crime
    Thx to JoJo Bidenese 🇨🇳

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