
Don’t Get Stuck With This UNFAIR Police Search! 🙄👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts


Don’t Get Stuck With This UNFAIR Police Search! 🙄👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

#Dont #Stuck #UNFAIR #Police #Search #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

Did you know that any alert from a police dog can be used against you, even if they aren’t trained to detect what they end up finding? It’s one of the most unfair types of searches around.

So, what do you do? Typically, an officer will ask if you can wait for a drug dog to come search. This is because you need to consent to the search and to extending the traffic stop past a reasonable amount of time. As a lawyer, I suggest that you NEVER consent to wait for a drug dog. Say no, and then ask if you’re free to leave. This will hopefully get you out of the search, but if it doesn’t, contact a criminal defense attorney to review the body cam footage.

Need a criminal defense attorney in DFW to call? Add my office’s number to your phone contacts: 817-839-3965

criminal lawyer , Don’t Get Stuck With This UNFAIR Police Search! 🙄👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts, attorney reacts,body cam footage,cops,fifth amendment,fourth amendment,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police,police dog,police search

28 thoughts on “Don’t Get Stuck With This UNFAIR Police Search! 🙄👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts”

  1. I was sniffed, cop said the dog alerted. They searched, found only prescription narcotics. I beat the charges on the argument that the dog wasn't certified in these pills. Additionally i argued prolonged stop. Case was thrown out. Also i never saw the k9 alert. Cops suck

  2. dogs shouldnt be used… its abuse no question… is the dog going to handcuff and place the suspect in the car or is it going to assault someone

  3. Dog alerts on car = cops legal excuse to rip your apart on the roadside and there is precious little that can be done to remedy that situation.

  4. So most of us already know this. Wtf is your advice on how to fitht this? At least tell people how to protect themselves. C'mon man.

  5. People know this, lawyers and judges included, yet nothing is done to change these injustices. The system fills it's coffers and defense lawyers pad their pockets at the expense of the innocent as well as the guilty. Stop voting for lawyers.

  6. If you don't want to get pulled over by Police, DON'T stare at them, they use this hint because someone that might me worried of something, would be the only reason they are afraid of them.

  7. 97% of U.S. paper currency is tainted with cocaine. That’s one way to alert the dog. Another way is the cop kicks the dog in his side. That usually gets an alert too!
    It’s all just an excuse to search your car. Just forcing you to wait for the drug dog to show up is illegal.

  8. They should have to keep records on the number of false alerts that a drug dog makes and these records should be available to the public

  9. So now that there are 39 states that allow marijuana, Are they retraining the dogs Not to smell marijuana ?????

  10. Yep, I’ve seen as many as 80% false positives the cop would be better off telling the driver I’m gonna flip a coin heads we search tails, we don’t

  11. This one of the worst decisions (Harris vs Florida) by our SCOTUS. It basically allows a dog (and its handler) to circumvent the 4th amendment to the constitution. There is no standard of training for dogs. There are no testing requirements for dog performance. There is no requirement to prove the dog alerted (only the handler’s interpretation). There are NO repercussions for a search initiated by a dog alert that yields no evidence (no tracking of abuse of the tactic). Clear violation of the 4th amendment by both the 6 conservative and the 3 liberal justices. Even when shown evidence that dogs false alert 80% of the time on data out of Australia (where police are required to keep records of false searches unlike US police) the justices sided with the state

  12. "Officer, my dog is in heat and I just dropped her off a doggy day-care". Your K-9 just 'alerted' to that. Furthermore, I denied your request to search my car after you illegally extended this traffic stop. So now you and your colleagues no longer have qualified immunity and I'm going to sue the pants off all of you individually. "

  13. Without reasonable suspicion of possession – U.S. vs Rodriguez determined you cannot be held / detained beyond the original intent of the stop to wait for a dog to arrive.
    Your responsibility after that is to repeatedly say OVER AND OVER – I do not consent to any searches of any kind.
    You may or may not take the ride – but you have a 4th violation if they search you and find nothing.

  14. Please tell us the steps we can take to avoid this or fight this in court. People need to know their rights and how to prevent tyranny

  15. Correct dogs should not be used they are doing tricks. Like the police officer is doing the same thing! Gestapo fear me!

  16. How about we change things to cops being held accountable for searches that don’t turn up anything illegal? I’ll bet that slows them down just a bit.

  17. My cousin married a New Mexico state cop. At a family reunion he boastfully bragged about how he does EXACTLY THAT in order to illegally search his victim's cars.
    They teach the dog to alert TO PLEASE IT'S MASTER, and they can do subtle commands that will make the dog "alert".
    The whole thing is unconstitutional and unjust.

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