
Don’t Fall Victim to Implied Consent ❌👮‍♂️


Don’t Fall Victim to Implied Consent ❌👮‍♂️

#Dont #Fall #Victim #Implied #Consent

Have you heard of implied consent? Be careful of this (and send this video to your friends so they know about it)…

Some court cases have made a ruling on implied consent. To simplify, this means if someone is silent, has a certain body language, etc., the police can decide if they implied consent to search their person or property. This is why I always say to verbally invoke your Fifth amendment right to remain silent if you’re choosing to.

Here’s how to get around implied consent: Verbally say, “Officer, I do not give you consent to search my person or my property. Now, they may not listen to you, but right then and there isn’t the time to argue with them. Wait to talk with your lawyer and have them review the body cam footage, then take the matter to court. Arguing with them at that time could put you in a dangerous situation, or you could catch additional charges.

Need a lawyer to call if you’re ever in this situation? Add my law office to your contacts: 817-839-3965
criminal lawyer , Don’t Fall Victim to Implied Consent ❌👮‍♂️, body cam footage,constitutional rights,cops,fifth amendment,fifth amendment right,fourth amendment,fourth amendment right,implied consent,know your rights,police

41 thoughts on “Don’t Fall Victim to Implied Consent ❌👮‍♂️”

  1. I do not consent to and search or seizure of me or my private things.. I maintain my constitutional rights. You're free to investigate within my rights.

  2. If youre in cuffs then youre detained at the stop, no implied consent is gonna happen. The search is gonna happen as an inventory or incident to arrest. Probably should deny consent to search but it aint gonna matter.

  3. They should require confirm consent. If you went to court on a rape charge and said “I asked her to have sex and she said nothing so I took that as a yes” it wouldn’t hold up. So why does it hold up here. The default should be no and they should have to get a yes to search.

  4. Soooo, silence is consent. If they can just brake a law because you "implied" consent then every time a rapist raped somone and they dont say anything, is that consent?

  5. I’m sorry, but this is really a bunch of bulls crap. Not everybody can process questions on a dime some people have to think a little bit! I know the Supreme Court knows this because they’ve got a bunch of mentally challenged people on it.

  6. They are not "trained" to ask that way. They conspire to teach one another how to skirt our rights.

  7. Can I search your vehicle
    Absolutely not. You found nothing on my person, your investigation of me is over. Have a nice day.

  8. They're training is adapting, so now they're getting angry. If you invoke any of your rights, tell him you don't consent so you guys have to be aware of that. Even if you do say I don't consent, they can still search your vehicle. They can still do pretty much anything they want and have very little to no consequences and I've even heard some attorneys talk about how the courts allowed it so just depends on where you're at

  9. When you're on a date, yes meas yes and no means No. With the logic the court is using, silence also means yes because a "reasonable person" could infer the victim IMPLIED consent. I'll bet there are a lot of sex offenders that wish they knew this.

  10. I don't care if you believe this or not, but I 100% guarantee that invoking your constitutional rights with a gung ho jerk off cop he will tell all of the other cops about you at his department and you will be harassed every chance they get. I know this because it's happened to me 3 different times so far.

  11. They’re trained in deceitful tactics that’s what an organized crime syndicate does that’s all they do. That’s all they’re good at lie cheat and steal to get what they want. What’s 99% of time they come up empty because they’re desperate.

  12. Then they’ll get the dogs. The dogs will indicate because the k-9 training rewards the dog when they indicate, so of course they’re going to. They’ll tear your car apart and wont find anything and say tough shit we’re not Liable

  13. The 5th get search warrant. Then say to cop, you were raised by tards. Get cop to do something really stupid. Bingo, you got him.

  14. If the officer is having the vehicle towed and does an inventory, finds anything illegal means additional charges.

  15. Our corrupt society,where in some cases police have been known to plant damning evidence in some one's car.

  16. If you've been CUFFED for "Officer Safety " and given the "Terry Stop Frisk", odds are, you aren't able to RECORD with your cell phone. The officer will just FALSELY claim you "consented" to a search.

  17. What is the definition of "immediately" if one needs time to think of all the options and possible outcomes?
    "Your Honor, the officer is not immediately answering my question. I move to hold him in Contempt of Court."

  18. If your car door is already open, they will claim implied conscent even if they prevented you from closing your door

  19. Implidely is not a word obviously. Impliedly exists.
    Implicitly is a legitimate word, too. 😂😂😂

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