
Don’t Fall For This Police TRICK! #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment #KnowYourRights


Don’t Fall For This Police TRICK! #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment #KnowYourRights

#Dont #Fall #Police #TRICK #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment #KnowYourRights

Cops are VERY good at getting citizens to waive their constitutional rights. As a lawyer, I would argue much of what they do in criminal investigations is use tactics against people to trick them into waiving their rights.

How should you avoid giving up your constitutional rights? Don’t talk to them. If they come knocking, know their true intentions– to get you to waive your fourth amendment right to no unlawful searches. They know it’s much harder to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant, so getting you to consent to a search is usually their first trick.

criminal law , Don’t Fall For This Police TRICK! #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment #KnowYourRights, 4th amendment,constitution,constitutional rights,cop tactics,cops,fourth amendment,know your rights,police,police tactics,we the people

26 thoughts on “Don’t Fall For This Police TRICK! #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment #KnowYourRights”

  1. This is why will never ever have even a single ounce of respect for police officers. They dont care about ethics or justice or fairness. All they care about is finding loopholes and exploit innocent people so they can get 1 step closer to their promotion and raise. It's sickening

  2. Nothing personal, officer, but I spent 33 years in the army defending the Constitution which spells out a list of civil and human rights with regards to the government and it's agents, and I know you mean well, but every time I have failed to insist that my civil and human rights be recognized and upheld, it's caused me lots of undeserved grief. So, I must respectfully decline your request to forego exercising those rights, to wit, agreeing to a search without a warrant, and answering questions.

  3. Why do those who's job it is to know the laws use that knowledge against the very citizenry they were hired to protect. When you know you are breaking the law but there is no one to stop you.

  4. Soooooo true. Cop’s only hope in life is to put citizens in jail. Never talk to cops

  5. U can tell them to stop searching u can refuse the search in the first place but unfortunately that wont stop anything im their favorite to pick on in my town and my car gets searched probably twice a week even though they have no right to and dont tell me to sue or all that ive tried taking legal action and it doesn’t work they are like a gang just doing whatever they please at other peoples expense and everytime u report them they investigate themselves and find no wrong doing surprise surprises

  6. As an ignorant kid, i always felt bad for any reason. But grown up? Im never going to feel bad for doing my best to defend myself and those that matter to me. I'll never gregret doing my best.

  7. Cops Work on The Fact That Most of Their Victims, Can't Afford An Attourny ! To Defend Against Their UnLawful Actions !

  8. Not me I don’t even open the door. If they get just a little mouthy about it I close my window and go back to what I was doing. They are at my neighbors a lot

  9. Translation : The supreme court ruled that cops can lie during the course of their duties, so they’re trained to do so, they do it all the time to try and trick people into giving up their rights. If cops show up somewhere, they’re not their to be your friend, you can’t believe a word they say, they’re there to make arrests, & they’ll lie, make up laws & trample on innocent people’s rights just to do it. They hide behind qualified immunity.

  10. I dont feel bad i dont care what cops say. They can legally lie to us yet we are not allowed to lie to them. Once that law is changed i may cooperate with them. Until then nope

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