
Don’t Believe This Police LIE! 🤥👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #PoliceLies #LawyerReacts


Don’t Believe This Police LIE! 🤥👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #PoliceLies #LawyerReacts

#Dont #Police #LIE #KnowYourRights #PoliceLies #LawyerReacts

If a cop ever pulls you over and claims to smell marijuana, DO NOT confess to possession. They may lie and tell you that things will go over better if you confess to them, but this is just a tactic to get your confession. In fact, they could be lying about smelling marijuana to begin with! The only time you’ll get a better deal from confessing is if your lawyer works with the DA. Don’t believe this lie!

I see people fall for this all the time and they do the officer’s job for them. If they wanted to search you without a warrant or consent, they would need to get probable cause, which can be a challenge to get. If they’re asking for consent to search your vehicle, they don’t have probable cause.

So, what should you say? Invoke your fourth amendment and say, “Officer, I refuse consent for you to search my vehicle and person.” If they’re asking you questions, say, “I am invoking my fifth amendment right to remain silent.”

criminal law , Don’t Believe This Police LIE! 🤥👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #PoliceLies #LawyerReacts, attorney reacts,constitutional rights,cop lies,criminal defense,fifth amendment,fourth amendment,justice system,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police lies,right to remain silent,we the people

34 thoughts on “Don’t Believe This Police LIE! 🤥👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #PoliceLies #LawyerReacts”

  1. How do we respond to this stupid questions? Hand the cop a business card for a local otolaryngologist and suggest the cop make a doctor's appointment to have his/her sense of smell evaluated. 😉

  2. Remember police will be awarded when they bust cases do they aren’t your friends if you don’t need their help

  3. If a police officer asked you that question just turn around, looking straight in his eyes and say these words, “there is no Fish in my pond”. Then turn around, walk away and leave.

  4. I like this attorney's advice. It seems reasonable and logical. However, something I would like to see is after giving the reader an example of what the law is.

    Then give a second example of how the driver uses it correctly.
    In addition, in the second example give an example on how to say the correct phrase to ge free of the clutches of the police. What I mean is what do you say: am I free to go? May I go? Am I being detained?
    I want to have a little speech in my head that I've already thought ahead of.
    I love this guy stuff and that's something I'd like to see.

  5. You smell marijuana? Okay, Officer, I'll be perfectly honest with you. You are a lying sack of crap.

  6. Cops can't use that excuse here in Canada,it's legal to have marijuana,you can smoke it walking down the street,in front of a cop

  7. Have you been handling marijuana, officer? That's the only reason that you'd be smelling it. 😂

  8. Why everyone should listen to the song "YOU TALK TO MUCH" by RUN DMC before they start their daily commute to remind them to SHUT UP!!!!

  9. points to two German Shepherds in the back seat
    "That's Mary, and that's Wanna Tango. Wanna's had some bad gas lately so that's probably what you're smelling."

  10. If you say something or don't say something it doesn't matter he says he smelled it so he has probable cause to search your car so it doesn't matter what your advice is as a lawyer. His/her independent probable cause is he smells marijuana that is what he's going to say what is this BS video about.

  11. I would just respond, "Officer, have you always been this FULL OF SHIT, or did it takes YEARS of practice?"

  12. I actually had this happen once. The officer said she smelt marijuana as I drove by. I responded with all I smoke is cigarettes as I held a lit one up.

  13. Ask the cop how much he had to drink, tell him his eyes are bloodshot, and that he is slurring his words, and that the odor of marijuana that he says he smells, is permeating from his uniform.

  14. I have to laugh out loud… Cuz it ain't true!
    Though.. I'd rather be in " altered states"…

  15. People, please remember that the sooner you confess, the less police work and the shorter the trial. This saves The County a TON of money. So just blurt it right out! — Thanks, The Taxpayer

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