
DON’T Answer These Questions From the Cops… 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #FifthAmendment


#DONT #Answer #Questions #Cops.. #LawyerReacts #FifthAmendment

When you get pulled over by the cops, they will likely ask you questions like “Where are you headed?” or, “What have you been doing tonight?” Please understand that these are fishing questions to see if you will stumble and admit to a crime. It’s best to say, “Officer, I am happy to answer your questions as long as my attorney is with me. Am I free to leave this traffic stop?” This puts them into a position to find an excuse to extend the traffic stop and detain you, or they have to let you go.

lawyers near me , DON’T Answer These Questions From the Cops… 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #FifthAmendment


44 thoughts on “DON’T Answer These Questions From the Cops… 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #FifthAmendment”

  1. As long as law enforcement predicates their entire business model on the automobile, these obvious violations of the U.S. Constitution will continue.

  2. I usually don't go to the 6th but start with the 4th and 5th amendment right to be free from unlawful searches and seizures of my private, protected information without a warrant. So, officer (dumbass), do you have the warrant?

    mixed success…with one resulting in a night in jail and about $8000 in legal research and paperwork costs and the lost wages of the day in jail and the ultimate job loss…perhaps $10s of thousands.

    And after a 148 page legal brief detailing the officer of no law's crimes that night, accompanied by two notarized affidavits, they ignored it all and charged me at their leisure.

    All of that because I asserted my lawful rights, including my right to locomotion, i.e., travel on the public highways. The system protects itself folks but with practice, I'm certain I would've defeated them, even in their own court.

  3. I was pulled over for the plate light. Didn’t know that it was burnt out. I had taken a coworker home from work. It was my day off, but had been driving her even sometimes to work. I was asked these questions. Even if I had been drinking alcohol!??? I don't like alcohol!!! I told him where I was coming from, dropping off a coworker and was on my way home. Can't even have a life!!!! 😖

  4. "Where you headed?"

    "To your mom's"


    "Don't talk to your future step-dad like that!"

  5. "Where you coming from?" Your mom's. "Where you headed?" Your sister's. "Who you been hanging out with?" Your cousin.

  6. Cops are TRAINED to do this. Another reason is because if you answer them, you now put in jepardy your 5th. You opened a line of communication that they can use in court.

    ALWAYS, ALWAYS say you don't answer questions. But do follow commands.

  7. Where you coming from?
    A. Your mom's.
    Where are you going?
    A. Your mom's
    Are you being smart with me?
    A. Smarter!

  8. In a country where the law says an officer can lie to you with impunity you can never have a civil and honest discussion! This makes a mockery of your bill of rights!!

  9. Hey Jeff I'm still waiting for the 1938 foreign agents registration statement as amended
    1938 antibribery statement your oath of office and your surety bond I could call the state attorney general office and tell him to hat you are we in violation of this federal law and ask him when he is going to issue an arrest warrant and send US MARSHALS TO ARREST YOU FOR VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW SO THAT I CAN HAVF MY NEWS CREW THERE TO DOCUMENT THE ARRESTS
    Please respond

  10. Officer: What is your name?
    Driver: Uriah Fretigo
    Officer: you're ah free to go.
    Driver: Thank you.

  11. So the approach of the guy in the video is that the cop is always nefarious. Got it.
    And I'm sure some people watching the video will take over that attitude without knowing. What a good deed indeed…

  12. I have been asked these questions before my answers were as follows … I came from back there, I'm going that direction, and I was hanging out with your mom. Any more questions?

  13. Also ALWAYS have a paper copy of your insurance in your car even if a digital copy is allowed in your state. NEVER, EVER hand a pig an unlocked phone!!! And while were here, never have facial or thumbprint access on your phone. If you are detained, they can force an illegal search of your phone and in most states a search warrant is required for a phone. And if they're searching your car, they're wearing gloves and there's no evidence of an illegal search. They can't force you to open your phone for an unwarranted search.

  14. That weeds legal That weeds legal. Don't take it for me. In the corner of your cow car😅

  15. I don't answer questions that are not related to why we are stopped her sir please focus on the business at hand & deal with the reason you pulled me over. Here is my license insurance and registration.

  16. Problem # 1 , your job as a law enforcement officer is to "Protect & Serve", Problem # 2 is in America most of the police force within America does not ever Work For the People, but rather do everything they can to trick & setup Americans, witch is against the rule # 1 of to Protect & Serve.

  17. When they ask me where im headed i always just point out the front windshield and say "that way" and when they ask where from i point behind me and say the same thing.

  18. The third of those questions ("Who've you been hanging out with?") could, if they detain or arrest you based on your answer to that question, be considered a breach of right to free association.

  19. The whole thing with the drug dog….smh……

    how do I know that dog hasn't been trained by the Handler to react to a specific signal from them!
    giving them cause to search, even though there may not be drugs at all or anything remotely close to drugs!!

    I think that's BS.

  20. Where ya headed?
    Me …. That way.
    Where ya coming from?
    Me…. Back that way.
    Who ya been hanging out with?
    Me….Your wife. Are there any more stupid questions?
    Give me the ticket and get back to work, officer.

  21. Its a trade off. Yes you don’t have to answer questions, but you are more likely to catch a break if you are cordial.

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