
Donna Adelson Keeps Charlie Adelson’s Attorney


Donna Adelson Keeps Charlie Adelson’s Attorney

#Donna #Adelson #Charlie #Adelsons #Attorney

Donna Adelson testified in court that her defense attorney, Daniel Rashbaum, will not be a conflict of interest as she’s accused of killing her son-in-law Dan Markel. Rashbaum also represented Adelson’s son, Charlie Adelson, who’s serving life in prison for the murder.

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37 thoughts on “Donna Adelson Keeps Charlie Adelson’s Attorney”

  1. I thought it was said Donna was going to get an attorney from Tallahassee?
    Do they really believe that Rashbaum did a good job defending Charlie?🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️He’s a multi millionaire just from representing the Adelsons.

  2. Well she may as well make him rich …where shes going she wont be able to spend it….I'm just so confused these people seem to be so " clever," brains you know what I mean and yet they are all so stupid! Seriously…who does this?? just to continue having control over another generation of someone elses kids….no I'm sorry I'm not " clever" in anyway but surely common sense must prevail at some point…shakes head and now those kids must grow up without a father 😢😢 rot in jail all of you.

  3. So stupid…. She should have at least gotten a round trip ticket even if she wasn't planning on coming back LO. L the mistakes these aDelsons made…such amateurs

  4. Can the prosecution wait until the last minute to call her attorney as a witness? Then she’d need to get another one who wouldn’t be prepared. They can always decide not to actually call him once the trial is underway …

  5. Isn't Jose Baez the go-to for defendants that can afford him? Not sure why she would use her son's lawyer, especially with all the risks involved.

  6. it's obvious Donna isn't knowledgeable of or doesn't care about being recorded on jail calls & having the same lawyer as Charlie isn't a good idea

  7. TY Julie❤ what a way for Donna to end her life-with a disgraceful murder/ accomplice to murder charge. How awful. It couldve been a great life. Too bad she threw it away gor her spoiled daughter-cuz she didntvwant to have to drive the kids to be with their lovely Dad❤

  8. Of course she is choosing the same lawyer who convicted her son to represent her. After all, this the family that thought that the people who conspired the murder will never be caught and are innocent since they didn’t pull the trigger.

  9. If Charlie was not appealing his case or if his appeal is over and he lost then he could just cop to planning the entire murder without any of his family being involved.

  10. It is hard to wrap your head around a family so entitled that they believed they had a right to murder a human being to get what they wanted. It’s mind boggling ! I bet they all look back and wish they didn’t behave the way they did since they are all being convicted and arrested for their crimes. They destroyed their entire family unit, took an innocent life, and devastated Dan Markel’s family. Was it really worth it?

  11. A mature GMA would've moved if possible to be closer. I think the narcissist in her got the better of her. So sad for Dan's family and boys. They have to see their GMA on TV.

  12. I don't know how his ( Charlie) attorney is supposed to help her. I mean he got life and that's what she's going to get😊

  13. The reason they are keeping Rashbaum is because he knows where all their "criminal" skeletons are hidden and they don't want other lawyers to find out their criminal shenanigans, like fraud, human trafficking, drug deals, etc.
    All of the above is JMO and allegedly, if course.

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