
Donald Trump’s Lawyer Tries To Explain How Jan. 6 Was Everything BUT An Insurrection


Donald Trump’s Lawyer Tries To Explain How Jan. 6 Was Everything BUT An Insurrection

#Donald #Trumps #Lawyer #Explain #Jan #Insurrection

For almost an hour, Donald Trump’s lawyer Jonathan Mitchell stood in front of the Supreme Court and made his case as to why the former president shouldn’t be kept off Colorado’s Republican primary ballot for the 2024 presidential election. But perhaps one of the more eye-catching moments was his argument about the events of Jan 6.

This exchange came at the end of Trump’s attorney’s time, as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson pressed him to clarify his stance on the events of Jan 6. Mitchell described the events as a ‘riot’ instead of an insurrection, arguing that it couldn’t be categorized as an insurrection because it didn’t qualify as an ‘organized, concerted effort’ to overthrow the government.

The case was brought by former Republican legislator Norma Anderson and five other unaffiliated and GOP voters in Colorado who sought to keep Trump off their state’s ballot. In November, District Court Judge Sarah Wallace determined that Trump had incited an insurrection, but held that it was unclear whether Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was intended to cover the presidency. Thus, Wallace ruled that Trump could remain on the ballot. Then, in December, Colorado’s Supreme Court overruled Wallace in a 4-3 decision, saying the disqualification clause did apply and barring Trump from Colorado’s Republican primary ballot.

Not since Bush v. Gore in 2000 has the Supreme Court agreed to directly weigh in on an active presidential election, and not since 1920 has the disqualification clause been used to bar someone from elected office at the federal level.

Given the nature of the case and the fact that it’s an election year, a ruling is expected sooner than normal, but no official date has been set. If the justices side with the Colorado high court, it could give other states a way to keep Trump off their ballots. If the court rules in his favor, he still faces a litany of other legal woes, like the federal charges that followed the special counsel’s probe into the events of Jan 6, as well as another election interference action in Georgia, both of which are criminal cases that could complicate his run and popularity. #WatchThis
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Donald Trump’s Lawyer Tries To Explain How Jan. 6 Was Everything BUT An Insurrection
criminal lawyer , Donald Trump’s Lawyer Tries To Explain How Jan. 6 Was Everything BUT An Insurrection, NowThis,news,donald trump,supreme court,2024 election,january 6,donald trump latest news,trump supreme court,trump trial,donald trump news,donald trump 2024,supreme court news,supreme court colorado,january 6 tapes released today,january 6th riots live,january 6th live coverage,january 6th insurrection live,trump latest news,trump news,trump today,trump colorado,Donald Trump’s Lawyer Tries To Explain How Jan. 6 Was Everything BUT An Insurrection

47 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s Lawyer Tries To Explain How Jan. 6 Was Everything BUT An Insurrection”

  1. It was organized and planned by bannon, stone, Flynn, in the White House, in the hotel across the street, in the Halls of Congress. This was planned ❗

  2. It was just a tour except to hang Pence, 7 deaths and aim to put Trump back into power. Even the Chief of Staff Gen Milley was asked to support this ' tour'

  3. THE SURPREME JUSTICES SLAMMED THE COLORADO ATTORNEY AS THE SCJ"s HAD TO REPEATEDLY IN EASY LAW SCHOOL WORDS explanation of case law! Which Trump lawyer explained in detail, and the outcome was A COURT DATE NEXT WEEK as Colorado lawyer was shamed! From start to finish!

  4. Have they tried MS WATERS yet , because the left is still burning and looting, and that is the definition of insurrection.

  5. A whole world saw what it was !
    An insurrection .
    Never mind how you try and spin it .
    For what ? A cultleader ?
    If so , stick to the truth!
    t rump for jail 2024 !

  6. It was a inserection,why? After the fact,trump himself went on his own media platform and incriminated himself by initiating violence in order to save America,and continues to do so up to this point,

  7. Wait…even if we concede that the assault on the Capitol wasn't an insurrection (even though it was organized) the fake electors plot def was an "organized attempt to overthrow the government."

  8. Trump planed an event on that day, in that location, got people angry and told them where they should be directing that anger then told people to march to where they went. How are we even pretending that it wasn't intentional?

  9. Trump has a habit of hiring bad lawyers. Trump and Republicans need to travel to Africa and south America and live there for a while so that they will see that a lot coups are not well organized.
    A coup is a coup whether it's organized or not.😅😅😅😅😅😅

  10. Lot of people came prepared to take the capitol, for an event that wasn't planned and organized in advance.

    This guy is tap-dancing hard for someone who:
    1 is defending a traitor
    2 knows in advance said traitor won't ever pay him

  11. It's not an insurrection unless it comes from the insurrection region of France. This was just a Sparkling Coup Attempt, your honor.

  12. The insurrection includes the fake elector scheme which was the reason why the attack took place at the capital while they were certifying the votes for Biden.

  13. The crem de la crem of Frumpy's lawyers; you must wonder where these idiots got their degree from.😅

  14. She concluded what happened and is tryna use Semantics to support. It’s the same answer she had as “I’m not a biologist” when asked what a woman was? A pure ideologue. Thank god Trump won and saved the SC.

  15. The donald told 💥his💥 followers to be there on Jan 6th…"It'll be wild"
    tRump & his followers Obstructed the Peaceful Transfer of Power. You said 💥"It was criminal"💥We know it was planned long before January 2021
    We watched & the potus did nothing for 3 hrs & 7 mins. Violence is not Patriotism❗️
    Dereliction of Duty⁉️

  16. You see this? It’s a banana. You say no, it’s an apple. Well, I don’t care what you say. It’s still a banana to everyone else in the world

  17. His claim that was a riot is ridiculous as it wasn’t organised!! Strange I recall some of the Oath Keepers, and QAnon people claiming in their insurrection trails telling the judges that they were organised by the likes of Stone, Bannon and Co

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