
Donald Trump’s Lawyer Alina Habba defiant outside New York court


Donald Trump’s Lawyer Alina Habba defiant outside New York court

#Donald #Trumps #Lawyer #Alina #Habba #defiant #York #court

Donald Trump’s Lawyer Alina Habba has delivered a scathing assessment of her client’s time in a New York court.

The former US president was ordered by the jury to pay E. Jean Carroll $US83 million in damages at the conclusion of a defamation trial.

“Don’t get it twisted, we are seeing a violation of our justice system,” Ms Habba told media in New York.

“Imagine a point where a judge tells a lawyer, ‘before your client’ – the former president of the United
States, the leading candidate and obvious nominee for the Republican Party – ‘before he takes the stand to defend himself, Miss Habba, tell me the questions you are going to ask in open court and tell me exactly what he is going to respond’.

“And then edited my questions, edited the response he was allowed to give, and guess what my client did – he took the stand, he abided by the rules of this corrupt system.

“We will immediately appeal – we will set aside that ridiculous jury.”

Ms Habba gave her final words to the media, “the former president does not live his life in fear”, as she was escorted into her car.
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20 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s Lawyer Alina Habba defiant outside New York court”

  1. Affairs, divorces, rapes, lies, prostitutes, bankruptcies, impeachments, indictments, arrests

  2. guys, guys, trump needs your money now more then ever, please donate all you have to trump, so he can save america again…..

  3. GO BACK TO LAW SCHOOL and stop embarassing yourself! The suit was settled long time ago, where you been? This was about the money. Go back to law school and learn some manners and respect. You and DUMP belong together.

  4. She should be disbarred at this point. Lying out her face like they’re the victims. She’s creating false narratives and lies involving the integrity of the judge and the state. This woman is ridiculous.

  5. Stupid is what stupid does – this trial was not about whether or not he did it – the case had already been litigated – You lost lady – you can't fake smart.

  6. Habba can’t be a lawyer. If she was she would know this was not a trial. It was a hearing to set damages. What a moron.

  7. To satisfy her mob-style master, she must ignore Law and Order in the court room. Just barked like a bulldog. Finally the mob was made to pay up

  8. I think it's a load of crap. That women was paid to do this to President Trump. Shame on democrats.

  9. ELener jabber is a real estate lawyer… Not a trial lawyer. Just go away and shut up please, the Earth will be happier

  10. ELener jabber is a real estate lawyer… How to trial lawyer. Just go away and shut up please, the Earth will be happier

  11. Still trying to figure out why this hot ass chick isn't on Fans Only.. just imagine her jumping and down with no shirt on: yelling, squeeze me, squeeze me…

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