
Does being around Accountants Help You Get Rich?


#Accountants #Rich

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Jasmine DiLucci has specialized in tax since high school when she first became licensed to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

Now as a tax attorney and CPA, she works with individuals and business owners across the nation to on Tax Planning, CFO Advisory, and IRS Tax Resolution


Disclaimer: This information on this channel is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional legal or tax advice.

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lawyers near me , Does being around Accountants Help You Get Rich?


40 thoughts on “Does being around Accountants Help You Get Rich?”

  1. Keith Cunningham made good distinctions with accountants and CFO’s. Primarily directionality of company movement informed by the finances

  2. Yep, if you’re an entrepreneur then you’re likely a “full throttle” sort of person who finds a way to get things done.

    CPAs and attorneys are there to guide that energy and ensure it’s being efficiently and legally. Sometimes that means acting as the brakes other times it means acting as a steering wheel.

  3. My father in law is a CPA and was a CFO for a midsize wealth management firm for many years. He’s extremely conservative. Treasuries, Municipal Bonds, CDs, and a some real estate is what he’s invested in. I also double majored in accounting & finance and worked in public and industry accounting. Accountants are extremely risk averse and boring people.

  4. Both of you are correct. Furthermore, where there are JDs and CPAs generally there are going to be business owners in the same vicinity because JDs and CPAs work for or are partnered with business owners.

  5. Yep, accountants don't necessarily know how to make money. They just know what to do with it once you have it.

  6. Okay, I absolutely love all the tax videos, but now I want the back story of how you 100 of the same shirt in different colors. Is it a branding thing? Do you just love that shirt?

  7. 1,000% agree with you. Most accountants, bank employees, lawyers,…are not rich.
    Accountants,… work for the rich!😅

  8. Hi Jasmine,
    When you say “business owners”, could you give a summary of what type of businesses these are?
    Trading? Professional/service? Large or small?

  9. A lot of accountant I have met have a conservative mindset when I come to money/ investing. They always think of the worst case scenario and avoid it all together.

  10. Everybody who's recommended stocks to me has -$2000 in their account. I'm literally + 2000 just by recognizing patterns.

  11. Janine is correct. Most CPA’s are NOT tax strategist. There’s a big difference. For example, I asked my former CPA how to take a home office credit for my small business. He said, since you have elected to be taxed as a S Corp, you can no longer do this.
    After researching…accountable plan is the answer.

  12. Rather then to hang out with these people go to school and study to become one of these people.

  13. Most CPAs have decent lifestyles, but they aren't rich. The few very weathly CPAs are CFOs or partners of Big 4/Top 10 Firms. That's just because those salaries can be insanely high, but now always.

  14. It's crazy to know that even tough shes 10000% right, everything she says is real and accurate most people don't care. They care about what that other botox filled crazy lady has say because is more pleasant to hear. People nowadays dont want the truth, they want beautiful lies… They could care less what educated professionals have to say but they'll listen to an influencer any day because they have followers

  15. My Dad was a CPA and also worked as an auditor. He didn't believe in investing at all not in real estate, not in the stock market, not in anything and therefore taught us nothing about investing or making money.
    He had a huge bias against the stock market, 401Ks, IRAs etc. which was fine for him and my mother because they both had solid government pensions (that kept up with inflation for life) and social security. As a result, I had mostly teach myself money management, real estate, as well as investing in the stock market, retirement account and learn what I could, here and there, from other investors.
    For a long time I never understood how a person, like my Dad can be a bookkeeper, than an accountant, after getting an accounting bachelor's and master's degree, become a CPA, work in the finance field in private and public sectors for 34 years before retiring at 54 and not know anything about investing in different financial products?🤔
    Even when I started my own business, years ago, I had to get whatever information I needed from other business owners.

  16. Accountants and lawyers are the most conservative and reserved folks ever when it comes to risk 😅

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