
‘Do you know anything about criminal law?’: Megyn Kelly rips into ‘social justice crew’


‘Do you know anything about criminal law?’: Megyn Kelly rips into ‘social justice crew’

#criminal #law #Megyn #Kelly #rips #social #justice #crew

Megyn Kelly has ripped into the “social justice crew” such as Lebron James and Democrat Congressman Hakeem Jefferies for their public condemnation of Kyle Rittenhouse.

18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is currently in the midst of his high profile murder trial – he stands accused of killing two people and injuring another at a protest last August in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Mr Rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty, claiming he acted in self defence.

On Wednesday Mr Rittenhouse took the stand to testify when he broke down in tears – however, Lebron James didn’t believe him.

“What tears? I didn’t see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court,” the NBA star tweeted.

Mr Jefferies also condemned the teenager by tweeting he should be “locked up” and to “throw away the key”.

The Megyn Kelly Show podcast host slammed the two – questioning their credentials to be able to comment on the ongoing trial.

“Do you know anything about law, about criminal law?,” she said.

“Anything at all? Have you bothered to look into it, even a little? Have you followed the trial at all before you decided to make a public comment from that post?

“Disgusting, dishonest.

“And the natural product of what happens when the false, ideological social justice crew meets actual, fact-based courtroom justice. Where truth and fairness still matter.”
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23 thoughts on “‘Do you know anything about criminal law?’: Megyn Kelly rips into ‘social justice crew’”

  1. Getting sick of sky News regurgitating American news.
    Its youtube! We can already watch the American news. We don't need sky News click bating and just repeating an American news clip that is ALREADY online 🤷‍♂️

  2. Has anyone looked at the Republican tweets on Rittenhouse? Calling for him to be President? Congressmen?

    Talk about hypocritical!!

  3. Where was the humanity when the nut trump supporter shot and killed two protesters?? Ask the parents of those he killed about who should be crying?!

  4. Lebron James making fun of a kid having a PTSD attack and being completely unaware of it has gotta be the highlight of my year.

  5. I am glad Megan Kelly has seen the light. She is too fine to be hanging from a piece of rope when the day comes these people need to answer to their crimes against humanity.

  6. um we just watched the video why did you have to repeat it . and yes she is correct she was a lawyer after all . and no its not a murder trial freedom to defend yourself against violent criminals and rioters is what this is about the leftists make shit up as they go like they all said he as racist yet he shot white criminals no one else , he shot those trying to kill him no one else those trying to kill him actually said they were going to get or kill him and one even pointed a gun at him. Please stop trying to add fuel to fire of leftism . all these thugs should be charged not him and the sole survivor should be charged with attempted murder

  7. That's what happens when police departments are told to stand down and let their city burn.That poor kid was actually protecting himself because the cops were nowhere to be found.Every person he shot was attacking him.

  8. I always thought it was illegal to comment publicly on a criminal case in progress.
    Until the facts are known, you are only speculating.
    Uninformed opinions could prejudice the case and have it dismissed.

    Fools will speak out of a need to say something.

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