
Do You Have to Pull Over For the Cops!? 🚗🚓 #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights


Do You Have to Pull Over For the Cops!? 🚗🚓 #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

#Pull #Cops #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

Do you have to pull over when a police officer turns on his lights and sirens?

I know this is starting to become a confusing topic with the sovereign citizen movement ramping up, but you DO have to pull over when the police ask you to. If you don’t, this will only escalate the situation and you will be labeled as evading arrest and the situation becomes far more dangerous for you.

What if it’s dark and you’re afraid it’s not a real cop? Call dispatch and confirm with them that it is a real police officer and ask them to notify the officer you called to confirm, and that is why you didn’t pull over immediately.

criminal lawyer , Do You Have to Pull Over For the Cops!? 🚗🚓 #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights, attorney reacts,constitution,constitutional rights,cops,cops on camera,know your rights,law explained,laws explained,lawyer reacts,police,police on camera,we the people

12 thoughts on “Do You Have to Pull Over For the Cops!? 🚗🚓 #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights”

  1. I got pulled over on a highway. I didn't pull over right away. When I finally pulled over the officer yelled at me for not stopping sooner. I then told him that I work for the state DOT and I won't stop along a guide rail. I pointed out that the rail we just passed was about 3/4 of a mile long. I told him I could have pulled over next to the rail but I figured it would have been too dangerous for you to get out of your car. Because I could pull over after the guide rail and we could pull over safely and farther over on the shoulder. He took my license and went back to his car. When he came back he said my license is clean and handed it back. He then proceeded to tell me he didn't notice the guide rail so he thought about it when he was in his car. He thanked me for considering his safety and just sent me on the way.

  2. My boyfriend and I got lit up once, no siren just lights, boyfriend's face went dead grey, he pulled over, the cop kept going, turned on the actual siren, and pulled the guy over who was in front of us. Big whew of relief and we were all like did this just actually happen? No f'n way. 😂😂

  3. If u think it's a fake cop simply call 911 and they will be able to tell u weather it's a real cop or not.

  4. SovCits are fools. The only situation would be calling the local dispatch center (911) to confirm that it is a LE vehicle if it's an unmarked vehicle.

  5. Lately , people are a lot more stupid than ever before . Their arrogance and blatent ignorance to the law has gotten many of them either jailed or shot and killed , all because someone in fb or tic Tok told them they don't have to obey the police .. YES YOU DO –

  6. There is no such thing as a sovereign-citizen. Its an oxymoron. Sovereign only. Sovereigns are not citizens of the fraudulent system.

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