
Do You Have to Give Cops Your ID!? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts


Do You Have to Give Cops Your ID!? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

#Give #Cops #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

What should you do if a cop asks for your ID during a traffic stop? If you’re the driver, in most states, you are legally required to identify yourself. However, if you’re the passenger, you usually are not required to do so, unless they reasonably suspect you’re guilty of a crime.

Sometimes, cops don’t tell you why they pulled you over, which usually makes people angry. Depending on the situation, this could be legal for them to do so. The best thing to do is comply so you don’t get drug through broken glass out of your window. Then, fight the case in court with an attorney. In the meantime, look up your state’s laws to see what your rights are as a driver.

criminal lawyer , Do You Have to Give Cops Your ID!? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts, attorney reacts,body cam footage,constitution,constitutional rights,cops,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police,police on camera,protect your rights

21 thoughts on “Do You Have to Give Cops Your ID!? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts”

  1. The easy solution would be a policy to require the officer to identify himself and the department he works for, along with the reason for the stop, before requesting identification.
    This would immediately establish that the cop was a cop and the stop was legal.

  2. Spend money fighting a clear violating of rights in court all while the cops gets a promotion for almost killing you.

  3. The problem (updated) is that a protracted civil suit which may, or may not result in an award of taxpaer dollars is not justice. Cops don’t get prosecuted criminally for violating people's rights and that's the crux of the problem.

  4. I would demand them to take there useless virtue signaling mask off, Before saying anything else.

  5. The vast majority of state ban Terry stops. You do not have to ID unless you have committed, are about to commit, or are committing a crime.

    Cops are required to articulate this to you for you to ID.

    That said, I agree that outright refusal is the wrong path. Cops will and do violate rights, and they often do so with violence when chanellenged.

    The best thing to do is to ask if you will be arrested if you do not provide ID. Then, state, on recording, thst you do not consent to any searches or seizures and are only copying under threat of arrest. Then, Stfu and do not answer any questions.

  6. Then u go to court, and the cop gets paid vacation for getting us one step closer to nazi germany

  7. Why are your video shorts try to convince people to give in , give up, and UNDERSTAND a POLICY enforcers jurisdiction?
    I Understand the us constitution, period!

  8. It is best to give an ID. It is not worth the consequences. It also gets the encounter over faster.

  9. Move on jerk off if any cop was to just ask me for id because they were looking for someone be prepared for a fight

  10. Ergo, take it up the a$$ from the cop and argue your case in court where the judge and police officer are both part of the state, therefore creating a conflict of interest. Which then you will likely lose

  11. You forgot to let people know they need to make the officer state he will arrest them if they don't show i.d. Then under threat of arrest show their i.d. and get the officers name and badge number. File a complaint then strip the officer of their qualified immunity. Now they can file a civil suit against the rights violating officer

  12. First off, if you're not recording the interaction you've made a big mistake. Next, state clearly for your recording “Officer, I’m going to hold up my documents and I won’t stop you from taking them from me, but I don’t give them to you willingly. I believe this stop is unlawful.”

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