
Do You Have to Answer ATF If They Come to Your Door? 🚪👮‍♂️


Do You Have to Answer ATF If They Come to Your Door? 🚪👮‍♂️

#Answer #ATF #Door

If the ATF or the cops come knocking on your door asking to check in on the firearms you own, you do NOT have to answer the door. ❌🔫

You becoming a firearm owner or signing all the paperwork does not give them permission to look at your firearms anytime they want. The only way they can see your firearms are if you give them consent, if they have a search warrant, or if there are exigent circumstances.
criminal lawyer , Do You Have to Answer ATF If They Come to Your Door? 🚪👮‍♂️, 2 amendment,2nd amendment,ATF,alcohol tobacco firearms,attorney advice,attorney reacts,firearm rights,gun rights,know your rights,lawyer advice,lawyer reacts,second amendment

21 thoughts on “Do You Have to Answer ATF If They Come to Your Door? 🚪👮‍♂️”

  1. Seams like a video doorbell would be gold. Particularly if they are there at 3am for something like a notification of a death or life threatening accident/injury.

  2. The Real problem comes when you open the door and they put their foot inside the door jamb so if you try and close it that now becomes assault

  3. I would just tell them like I would tell any law enforcement officer. Come back with a warrant. If you attempt to gain entry to my property without one you will be treated like any other trespasser violating the law.

  4. It's important to note that the FIRST and LAST videos clipped here show homeowners who did it WRONG. They gave the cops *CONTROL OF THE DOOR.*
    In the first clip, the exterior door is swung ALL THE WAY open (and it's mounted in the wrong direction) and one of the cops is standing in a place to make closing the door IMPOSSIBLE.
    In the last clip, the officer has one foot ACROSS the sill plate of the door. He is ALREADY, by legal definition, INSIDE the house. And if the homeowner tries to close the door, as soon as the door TOUCHES the cop's boot, he will use force to throw the door back open, assault the homeowner, and charge him/her with assaulting an officer.
    NEVER open the door to cops. If they have a warrant or exigent circumstances they are going to come in anyway. Make them "fully commit" to using violence against you.

  5. never open the door for leo…in fact if you have a storm door with a lock, keep it locked 24/7…keeps the proverbial foot from being placed in the door…if they have a right to come in they'll let you know by action…

  6. If they have a search warrant they won't ask for permission to enter, they will just break down the door.

  7. Uhh… I thought it was unlawful for the fed and staye to have a list of gun owners. The ATF has already been busted for doing this in the past.

  8. But at some point , Youll Probably want to leave your house .
    THEN what happens if they confront You outside while youre walking to your car ?

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