
Do Passengers Have to Show ID!? 🪪👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts


Do Passengers Have to Show ID!? 🪪👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

#Passengers #Show #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

What if you’re a passenger in a car that has been pulled over? Do you have to show your ID to the cops?

In most states, passengers who are not suspected of a crime do NOT have to identify themselves. You wouldn’t believe the number of cops that I have seen ask for passengers’ IDs. You have the right to not identify yourself to the cops if you aren’t suspected of a crime (i.e. not driving the car that was speeding or ran a stop sign).

However, if the car has illegal substances in the open and they are within your reach, or another crime is suspected, they can legally ask you to identify yourself. Many cops also misuse officer safety rules and they will ask passengers to get out of the car and identify themselves. But, this is something you will want to fight in court, not the street.

criminal law , Do Passengers Have to Show ID!? 🪪👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts, attorney reacts,constitution,constitutional rights,criminal justice,know the law,know your rights,lawyer reacts,protect your rights,right to remain silent,we the people

47 thoughts on “Do Passengers Have to Show ID!? 🪪👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts”

  1. I am not a lawyer. This is just good common sense. But you do what you want. I don’t think there’s a perfect or best way to protect ourselves when they demand we exit the vehicle. We have to use the means, the tools that we legally have. I think this will help. We must exit. But one thing the cops hate is silence. They hate when we stop talking. So, we let them know,Things to do: 1) As they approach, roll up the windows, lock the doors, so they cannot jerk the door open. 2) No one talks but the driver. The driver says, “I invoke my 5th amendment rights to remain silent; I don’t answer questions”. Display driver license, registration and insurance on demand.

  2. I had this happen once when i was passed out in the back seat. We just got off a 28hr shift, and i was dead in the back seat. Cop pulled us over, and when they woke me up i came up swinging. Apparently fast enough that the officer didnt have time to react, but i didn't hit anyone. Ended up stopping mid swing. But that is not the point. As i was still mostly asleep brain wise. I was not able to tell the officer to go pound sand. Should have, and if they say officer safety. Reply with "if you are scared of someone passed out in the back seat of a truck. You should get checked out for your mental stability as a cop."

  3. Oklahoma used to have a doctrine called "cooperative venture" it meant passengers were cooperating with driver (by riding in car) and therefore equally responsible for anything driver did. Don't know if it's still avthing.

  4. I never heard such double talk cops will always claim ?" suspicion " unless they have separate suspicion "

  5. Check the state. There quite a few that can require passenger ID. Colorado, Alabama, N Dakota to name a few.

  6. People seem to forget cops can legally lie to you at any point without consequence. Never trust a cop, kids. 😂

  7. New Jersey isn't a stop and ID state, so as far as I understand, even "reasonable suspicion" woudn't be a basis for demanding ID.

  8. I am SOOOO sick of the "officer safety" mantra. What about OUR safety?! So just eff us, right? We're not the ones with the heavily armed combo of a firearm, OC spray, baton, and a taser.

    We have to navigate this world and deal with all kinds of people while (usually) not being armed at all without being allowed to detain/handcuff people of whim. Surely these "highly trained" professionals can do the same. /s

  9. Officer, I'm not classified as passanger as per Black's Law Dictionary. Officer, I'm not in contract with driver for transportation, negating your presumption of me in passanger status.

  10. Or you match the description of a robbery that just happened
    Or some other bullshit that they come up with..

  11. So basically wat ur saying is that cops can do anything they want…reasonable suspicion is simply an opinion….so yeah they can do anything they want

  12. Unlawful ID 🪪 demand is like Crack for cops. Officer Safety, Lol.

    Abolish Qualified Immunity Now.

  13. What about citizens safety?
    46 cops were shot by citizens 1200 citizens were killed by the police an 54000 citizens were injured by the cops seriously enough to be seen in the hospital

  14. So they cops had better know every language in the world. As not all passengers will speak English.

  15. I was a passenger in the rear seat of a car. At that time in Illinois seatbelts were only required for those in the front seat. Illinois State Police pulled over the car for speeding, she searched the car and found an empty bottle of mouthwash. She searched us and I was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants and no underwear. That officer had to slide her fingers in my butt-crack. She jumped when she noticed that I wasn't wearing any underwear

  16. Thanks for telling us what we already know. We live in a police state. They can manipulate the laws any which way they want in order to strip the general public of our Constitutinal rights.

  17. That is terrible advice. Cops will try whatever bullshit they can get away with for sure, and they might be able to get away with the "officer safety" bullshit for a pat down, but that will ABSOLUTELY NOT hold up for a demand of id. Don't give up your rights, don't kowtow to corruption and oppression and don't spread misinformation under the guise of helpful legal advice.

  18. Okay they pat you down and you got nothing, just like you told them. Can you sue them? Of they are right they can take you in and nothing happens to them, but if they are wrong nothing happens to them or does it?

  19. Kick rocks azzhole!!! Unless you’re accused of a crime, the passenger doesn’t have to show any ID!!! 🖕🏻💩🤡🐷

  20. Cops just lie and do whatever they want to do. They are government employees which mean no accountability for their criminal actions. THE POLICE ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS!!!

  21. stop listening to randos on YT and contact your local law enforcement or courts and get some exact rules from them

  22. One day at work me my boss and my coworker, we’re heading to work and then a cop pulls us over (i was in the back – passenger seat) she told us to give our ID, she asked us some question (common questions), she went to her car and came back saying that the reason she stop us was she “saw me” i was not using seatbelt and gave me a fu ** ticket.

  23. He’s right but my advise is not to argue or fight w/the cop during a stop. File a formal complaint afterward or get a lawyer and file a suit.

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